WPI’s Michael Ahern on the Merrimack Valley Explosions

Michael Ahern has been in high demand lately.

Last week, when gas explosions devastated over 70 homes across Lawrence, Andover and North Andover, Massachusetts, one question was on everyone’s mind: How did this happen? 

As WPI Corporate & Professional Education’s resident power systems engineer, Ahern had the answers. And over the past several days, he has been interviewed by news stations in Worcester and Boston, as well as the Washington Post as journalists tried to piece together what caused the blasts and how to prevent them in the future.

Read Ahern’s interview in the Washington Post

The Merrimack Valley explosions illuminate the importance of a well-trained, well-educated power systems workforce: leadership and employees who understand energy delivery at every level and anticipate disaster before it strikes. As the population grows and new infrastructure comes online, safe energy delivery is paramount to our future.

Join Mr. Ahern and other experts in this industry for a day of  important conversations on renewable energy, protecting the grid from attack, and building the expert power workforce of the future.


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