Read Like an Engineer: Top News Sources in Power Engineering


The world of engineering is always changing. Whether you’re in industry or academia, innovation is the name of the game, and it can be a challenge to keep up! In our Read Like an Engineer series, we’ll share where WPI engineers get their news. 

Michael Ahern is the Director of Power Systems at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. As our resident expert in all things power, with a laundry list of qualifications and decades of experience working inside both the energy and education spheres, Ahern has dedicated himself to staying informed about the power industry’s many moving parts, with the help of a few crucial trade publications.  Here are some of his favorites:


T&D World is the most-read trade magazine in the power industry,” Ahern says. “They have a circulation of 50,000 readers, and they’re very up to date on what’s going on all over the world.”

T&D World has even tapped Ahern as a contributor in the past! Read Ahern’s article: “Grid Modernization Countdown.”


This publication features technical advances and has a more academic readership. The magazine concentrates on long-term, international solutions, with a new focus area each month, including an annual education issue. WPI’s Associate Director of Power Systems, Edvina Uzunovic, was the editor for 2019’s education issue.



This is one of the most popular websites in the energy industry, boasting a membership audience of over 200,000 engineers and policy makers.

Ahern is a designated expert in HR and Recruitment for Energy Central and was recently interviewed on the importance of training power systems professionals. Read Ahern’s interview with Energy Central.



UtilityDive is a daily e-newsletter that Ahern reads to stay up to date on developments in the utility industry, with a very specific focus. “UD provides updates about regulatory and financial decisions, rather than engineering or any kind of technical stuff,” he says.

  • Washington Post Power Series

The Energy 202 and Cybersecurity 202 are article series Ahern reads whenever they appear in his inbox. Because they cover a more editorial standpoint than UtilityDive, Ahern appreciates the politics-based debrief on his industry. “Politics and energy have been connected for as long as there’s been energy.”

From policy and political developments to more social and creative changes in energy, there’s a lot to keep track of, and these top favorites help him do so. “This battery [of publications] is pretty quick, inexpensive, and keeps me up to date.” Searching for a tried and true method for getting your power news? Sign up for one of Mike’s favorites today.


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