Online vs. In-Person Graduate Programs


In today’s competitive job market where specialized degrees and knowledge are increasingly valued, the decision to pursue a graduate degree can mean big things for your career and personal development. It takes careful consideration of lots of factors, including your career goals, financial situation, lifestyle, and learning style. 

Whether you are weighing the pros and cons of virtual or in-person graduate degrees as a seasoned professional or as an undergraduate, this blog aims to provide you with the insights and resources needed to make an informed decision.   

Online Graduate Programs 

Online Graduate programs are just like in-person courses, with a few key differences. Every school and program will have its own structure and benefits, here are some of the generalized pros and cons of online programs: 

Pros of Online Graduate Programs 

One positive attribute of an online program is its accessibility. If you have a stable network and reliable computer, you can access schools from all over the world! This opens your possibilities greatly- so long as they have an online program, you can apply for it!  

Generally, online programs are considered lower in cost than traditional schools. You won’t need to pay for a meal program or find new housing in an unfamiliar area. You will most likely just pay for tuition and fees, on top of the expenses you already pay for. 

Another benefit to online programs is flexibility. You can take your classes anywhere, and perhaps even any time. Asynchronous classes, like most of the online classes at WPI, can be taken at any time. Synchronous courses are live, with all participants logging in at the same time. At WPI, our online courses integrate the latest technologies in web, videoconferencing, digital recordings, simulations, virtual chat, and discussion boards to provide an engaging and immersive learning experience! 

Considerations for Online Graduate Programs 

While these programs have a lot of benefits, there are some considerations to online programs, depending on your educational goals. Online grad programs lack face-to-face interactions. While digital learning allows people from all over to interact virtually, those who enjoy in-person socialization may find traditional classrooms more fulfilling. 

Students who opt for online learning will also have to develop personal accountability. Deadlines may be more flexible in an online course, so students will need to motivate themselves to set aside the right amount of time to complete work.  

“Regular” life can be a distraction when it comes to online programs. Work, family, pets, and regular responsibilities can make it difficult to focus at home. Setting aside some personal time and space with limited distractions will make it easier to get work completed. An upside to remote learning as well is that you can take your work on the go outside of the home, such as to a nearby coffee shop or library. 

Online graduate programs are best for working professionals or people who need a large amount of flexibility in their education. It is generally cost-effective, as tuition will be the main expense. Online graduate programs may not be the main choice for people who are hoping for in-person socialization or have lots of distractions at home that make studying and getting work done difficult. They may also not be the best choice for people who need to complete research or projects in lab settings.  E-learning education, internet lessons online and business technology concept, Women use laptop working with education icon on virtual screens for online learning and search for knowledge and ideas

In-Person Graduate Programs 

In-person graduate programs can provide a completely different higher education experience. Traditional classroom settings may be better suited for fields of study that require research, lab work, or other hands-on learning. Let’s look at some pros and cons of in-person graduate programs. 

Pros of In-Person Graduate Programs 

Some students find that they enjoy the social interaction and sense of belonging that in-person programs bring them. They can interact with other students face-to-face, work on projects and research together, and build meaningful connections outside of classwork. Many people find that making connections is difficult in an online environment, and if that is an important part of their education experience, they prefer in-person classes for that reason. 

In-person programs often bring a sense of the “traditional college experience”. This may be important for people who never got to experience what living on campus is like! Living in a dorm, studying in the library, meeting up with friends, and eating at the dining hall contribute to that traditional campus atmosphere that enhances personal growth and social development. 

Starting an in-person program may also mean having to move to a new location. Some people may find this fresh start to be exciting, an opportunity to start “fresh”. The change of scenery may just be the thing to get you inspired and ready to learn! Of course, not everyone chooses to relocate, and they prefer to find a university closer to their own home. Whether you choose to relocate or not, the most important thing is finding a learning environment that suits your needs. 

Another pro of in-person classes is networking opportunities. Engaging in face-to-face interactions with classmates, professors, and professionals in the field provides invaluable networking opportunities. Building relationships and connections in person can lead to mentorships, job opportunities, and collaborations that may not be as easily accessible in online settings. 

Considerations for In-Person Graduate Programs 

Something to consider when it comes to in-person programs is the fixed schedules and location restraints. You will have to attend classes on campus, at a specific time. You will need to adjust your schedule to accommodate these classes. That might not be ideal for some people, especially if they have demanding jobs or responsibilities.  

Another thing to consider is the additional time to commute. If you do not live on campus, you will have a larger time commitment to think about when deciding your program type. Big cities may also have more traffic, meaning you may need to leave earlier to get to your class on time. 

If you are attending an in-person program, you may need to factor in a larger cost, especially if you need to move to your new location. Additional expenses such as rent or housing, meal plans or groceries, and others will add up. Your new school’s location may have a higher cost of living, so make sure you can afford the new place. If you already live in the same area as your school, this may not be a significant factor for you.  

In-person graduate programs may be best suited for students looking for the traditional college experience. They are also well-suited for students who will need access to labs and equipment for research and learning purposes. Attending classes in person can be difficult for people who need flexibility and do not have the means to relocate if need be.

Asian master degree student is study with concentrate, first time onsite class.Which Graduate Program Type Should You Choose? 

The choice of whether you should take an in-person or online course is up to you. You should consider the following questions to help you make your final decision: 

  1. What are my academic goals?
  2. What is my personal learning style? 
  3. How will I get assistance if I am struggling in this program? 
  4. Will I need or want to use equipment for my research, like in a laboratory setting? 
  5. Am I financially prepared to make this decision? 
  6. How will this program benefit me in the long run? 
  7. Is this a credible program that employers will recognize? 
  8. Can I commit to this program’s time requirements? 

Once you understand what you are hoping to get out of a program, you can start figuring out which style of program will be best suited to you. Online Education Concept. Smiling Black Woman In Headset Studying With Laptop At Home And Taking Notes To Notepad, Enjoying Distance Learning, Watching Webinar In Internet And Noting HighlightsIf you still aren’t sure what type of program you want to commit to, you can always opt for a smaller commitment, such as a single class or certificate program, to see how you like the learning environment. This way, you can explore various options before making a more significant commitment. Additionally, seeking advice from mentors or professionals in your field of interest can provide valuable insights and help guide your decision-making process. At the end of the day, your diploma won’t indicate which way you got your degree (at least at WPI!). So, whether you choose an online or on-campus degree, you receive the same credentials.  

Worcester Polytechnic Institute stands ready to meet your higher education aspirations. With an extensive array of over 50 degree options—including master’s, certificates, and PhD programs—there’s a perfect fit for every ambition. Discover more about pursuing a graduate degree at WPI today!