With the semester coming to an end, graduate students are no doubt starting to stress about finals! Balancing your workload, friends, studying, working full time, and other commitments can be exhausting and overwhelming. The pressure is on to do well on exams, and that totally adds to the stress!
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as studying and doing well on your tests. At WPI, we know how difficult life can seem during exam week, so we’ve compiled some of the best tips to help you stay focused, organized, and confident.
Studying Tips
Here are our top tips for balancing your study time and mental health:
1. Don’t aim for perfection
Trying to get perfect scores will only stress you out more. You should no doubt aim to do well, but you don’t need 100% to excel. Take your time and do your best! Remember that at the end of the day, it’s just a test- not a reflection of your intelligence or worth.
2. Write things down
Many studies suggest that our brains memorize things much better when we write them down. It may be tempting to take your notes on a computer, but when it comes to studying, the pen is best! Write things multiple times if you need to.
3. Make chapter summaries
One thing you can do during your studying to make life easier is to make short chapter summaries and formula sheets to jog your memory. This will make you review, understand, and summarize the material. Then, when you are doing an overview, you can just read the short paragraph or sheet to jog your memory of the information you reviewed.
4. Have goals in your study sessions
If you go into a study session without a focused mindset, you can get lost in the information and it won’t be as effective. Go into your studying time with a specific goal in mind. For example, focus on a singular chapter or core topic. Perhaps you’d like to memorize a certain graph or formula you’ve struggled with. Whatever the focus, you will have an easier time being successful with a goal.

Time Management Tips
With all your responsibilities, managing life can seem challenging. Here are some tips to help you effectively manage your time:
1. Plan your week
Plan out your week on the weekend. Write out your responsibilities, mealtimes, and work. Make sure you include important dates, such as exams. Carve out time in your schedule for studying. Making these times in your schedule will help you commit to doing it.
2. Stay organized
Staying organized with folders, calendars, and agendas can save you time and stress in the long run. Keep track of important dates and assignments! Everyone has their own method of organization that works for them, such as color coding or digital tools and apps to create detailed to-do lists.
3. It’s okay to say “no”
This tip is easier said than done! It can be difficult to let friends and family down when you need to study instead. However, saying yes to too many things can also lead to burnout or not enough time to study properly. When possible, commit to plans after your exams or assignments are done, so you can truly relax and be present with friends and family. Try and talk with your professors to see if you can reduce working/research time if possible. It’s worth asking!
4. Know when to stop & rest
This tip is especially important for graduate students- know your limits. Your most effective studying won’t happen on 2 hours of sleep! Know when you’ve had enough, take plenty of breaks, and make sure you get adequate sleep. Sleep is extremely important for you to be your best academic self!
5. Procrastination is not your friend
While studying may not be your favorite activity, it is very important to your success! Stick to your schedule and don’t put it off. It will be more tempting to skip it if you allow yourself to get distracted!
Tips to Stay Connected
Anxiety and stress can make us more likely to isolate ourselves. Here are our tips for making sure you don’t seclude yourself too much:
1. Reach out to Mentors
Exam time can be incredibly difficult, especially with your other commitments. It is easy to feel like giving up. Reach out to a mentor- a professor, TA, coworkers, or anyone else you can talk to. Many of them have been through the same experience and can offer insight and support during those difficult times.
2. Interact with your Community
Don’t forget to do things that make you feel good! Hang out with friends and family, when time allows, to unwind.
3. Study groups
Study groups can be a great way to combine learning and community! Get together with a group of other students to study together. You can help each other focus and learn from each other.
4. Add fun things to your schedule
When making your schedule for the week, make sure you add in spaces for you to relax and do what you want! Too much work can overwhelm you. Add in time for your hobbies or fun activities. Your brain needs to rest.
We know that you want to do well on your exams- and that’s what makes you a great student! In the end, your grades aren’t everything. You must make time for yourself so you can be the best student you can be. Just remember that your grades aren’t a reflection of you as a person or your productivity. Classes can be challenging, and you are doing great things by pushing yourself to get that degree. Stay strong and remember your “why”. This season of your life is only temporary, and you are almost at the finish line! WPI is rooting for you, and all our amazing students!
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