5 Productivity Apps for Students & Working Professionals in STEM

Productivity can be difficult to measure and achieve without a little help. Students and working professions working in the STEM industry need to look no further than their mobile devices and computers to increase efficiency. Productivity apps for students are abundant because productivity is a constant demand, no matter the industry or profession.

Searching app stores for online productivity applications can be a daunting task. There are thousands of applications focused on programming, web design, and organizational improvement. We’ve compiled five of the best productivity apps for you to try:

Programming Hub

STEM professionals need to know multiple programming languages to succeed in today’s marketplace. You may specialize in your preferred language, but additional fluency makes your resume attractive to employers. Programming Hub is a productivity application for students who want bite-sized lessons in 25 languages like Python and Javascript.

Five-minute lessons teach users the step-by-step process of using each language. An in-app compiler allows you to test your work without involving a second program. Programming Hub offers virtual certificates of completion that demonstrate your progress to colleagues and employers.


Innovative teams need shared organizational tools that track progress toward project completion. Todoist is a free platform for teams to add tasks, delegate responsibilities, and set priority levels. This online productivity application surpasses its competition thanks to its gamification of efficiency.

Todoist users find visualizations of their productivity over weeks and months of work. The Todoist Karma score indicates the number of points earned for reaching goals and using the platform’s tools. You can measure and compare productivity with your colleagues based on Karma scores.

Hacker’s Keyboard

Programming and design work does not always take place in a traditional workplace or home office. You may need to write code on your mobile phone, especially if inspiration strikes when you are away from your desk. Hacker’s Keyboard recreates your desktop or laptop keyboard, making it an essential application to increase productivity.

The free application presents a full five-row keyboard including arrow keys for easier navigation. Designers and engineers find the inclusion of Tab, Esc, and Alt keys essential in their coding work. Hacker’s Keyboard increases productivity in mobile programming environments by reducing the steps needed to complete basic tasks.


Producing an impactful website can be a lengthy process as drafts shift between developers and designers. Sketch is an online productivity application that consolidates website design, prototyping, and collaboration features. This Mac application provides the following tools for pinpoint design:

  • Vector editing capabilities that ensure quick starts to web design projects
  • A Symbol feature for repeating feature storage and resizing
  • Shorthand operators for easier manipulation of visual assets

Sketch allows real-time collaboration among an unlimited number of project participants. This online productivity application easily combines multiple design elements for website prototypes. The application may be native to Mac, but non-Mac developers can pull images and colors to turn prototypes into functional sites.


Designers, engineers, and cybersecurity experts collaborate constantly throughout the development lifecycle. The growth in distributed workforces places a premium on well-constructed tutorials and walk-throughs. Screencastify allows you to create training materials, tutorials, and presentations.

The Screencastify extension captures video from your screen as easily as you can create screenshots. This online productivity application offers in-browser editing, including cropping and video merging. You can combine screen recordings with video and audio from your computer camera for an immersive tutorial experience.