Category: Why Grad School

Telling Your Boss You’re Earning Your Degree: A Guide to Navigating the Conversation

The two business people talking at the office table

Going back to school is an exciting decision for any working professional. Whether it’s to stay updated with industry trends, learn a new skill, or one of the many other reasons that drive someone to return to school, taking this step can be both challenging and rewarding. One thing that may concern you is balancing…Continue Reading Telling Your Boss You’re Earning Your Degree: A Guide to Navigating the Conversation

What Can I Do With a Master’s In Biotechnology?

Shot of a young woman using a machine to conduct a medical test in a laboratory

Why get a master’s degree in biotechnology?  The field of biotechnology is ever-changing, fueled by exciting developments in almost every field of science. Biotechnology is at the interface of biological sciences and engineering sciences with the goal of using whole organisms or parts of organisms for products and services from food to fuel, from artificial…Continue Reading What Can I Do With a Master’s In Biotechnology?