Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Robot, Futuristic, Data Science, Data Analytics, A.I.

What Can I Do With a Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence?  

Learn who can get a master’s in AI, the skills you will gain, and what kinds of career options and salaries you can expect after graduation.


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  • Study Tips for Graduate Students
    With the semester coming to an end, graduate students are no doubt starting to stress about finals! Balancing your workload, friends, studying, working full time, and other commitments can be exhausting and overwhelming. The pressure is on to do well on exams, and that totally adds to the stress!   Taking care of your mental health…Continue Reading Study Tips for Graduate Students
  • International Affairs: What Are Americans Like?
    Our next blog in our International House series answers the question: What are Americans like? You probably have some ideas about what people how people in America act, and their values. However, over 330 million people live in the United States, so it is difficult to generalize the whole population.  You may have heard the…Continue Reading International Affairs: What Are Americans Like?
  • Online vs. In-Person Graduate Programs
    Introduction  In today’s competitive job market where specialized degrees and knowledge are increasingly valued, the decision to pursue a graduate degree can mean big things for your career and personal development. It takes careful consideration of lots of factors, including your career goals, financial situation, lifestyle, and learning style.  Whether you are weighing the pros…Continue Reading Online vs. In-Person Graduate Programs
  • Is Grad School Worth It?
    Professionals pursuing a graduate degree have been on the rise in recent years, and you might be wondering: is graduate school worth it? You may have worked with many people who have a master’s degree already. Perhaps you are an undergraduate student trying to decide if you will enter the workforce or continue with higher…Continue Reading Is Grad School Worth It?