What Can I Do With a Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence (AI)?  

Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Robot, Futuristic, Data Science, Data Analytics, A.I.

Why Get a Master’s Degree in AI?   Artificial intelligence (AI) is in virtually every headline nowadays. It has begun to filter into every industry, including art, education, social media, business, and beyond. Those in the technology field have known about the usefulness of AI and have been using it to train and build algorithms for…Continue Reading What Can I Do With a Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence (AI)?  

Master the World of Artificial Intelligence: Key Terms to Know 

Are you fascinated by the possibilities that artificial intelligence (AI) holds? Revolutionizing industries across the globe—from healthcare to finance, transportation to communications—AI will increasingly integrate into everyday life.  While concerns about its ethical use persist, AI presents exciting opportunities for innovation. Specialized training and education in AI, exemplified by the groundbreaking AI degree programs at WPI,…Continue Reading Master the World of Artificial Intelligence: Key Terms to Know 

WPI’s Dr. Gillian Smith Calms Local Radio Host’s Nerves over Chat GPT and AI Capabilities

Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) language model that has recently grown in popularity. Developed by OpenAI, it generates human-like responses and understands natural language. Have you given it a try? Chat GPT is trained on vast amounts of text data and can be used for chatbots, virtual assistants, research, and more. Ask it…Continue Reading WPI’s Dr. Gillian Smith Calms Local Radio Host’s Nerves over Chat GPT and AI Capabilities