Tag: Professional Development

3 Big Benefits of Learning At Work

  Picture it: you find out your company offers you the chance to earn your next degree. The catch? You’ll be part of a “cohort,” a group of students made up of other people who work within your organization, working together through the same courses. You hesitate. Maybe you’ve been out of the classroom setting…Continue Reading 3 Big Benefits of Learning At Work

Top 5 Time-Management Tips for Online Learning

By Caitlin Keller One of the major struggles online students tend to face is time management. Being an online student requires you to be a self-motivated, organized, and an independent learner. Without physically attending class–and while often taking courses alongside working a full-time job and juggling familial and social obligations–it is easy to get pulled into…Continue Reading Top 5 Time-Management Tips for Online Learning

Engineer’s Corner: Manufacturing Engineering vs Advanced MFE

By Jim Girouard Having spent over 30 years as a manufacturing engineer, this question has always perplexed me. Is there a difference between a Manufacturing Engineer (MFE) and an Advanced Manufacturing Engineer (AMFE)?  Is one applying the ways of the future, while the other is locked in the Iron Age?  Should every MFE strive to…Continue Reading Engineer’s Corner: Manufacturing Engineering vs Advanced MFE

Top Jobs & Societies in Robotics Engineering

Robotics. It’s a field that is expanding and evolving every day. Besides the actual field of robotics, a robotics engineer has the skills and education to work in a bunch of different industries. Just because the job title doesn’t read “robotics engineer” doesn’t mean the job isn’t for you! One great thing about being a…Continue Reading Top Jobs & Societies in Robotics Engineering

Don’t Be Like Herbie: Why Today is the Day to Start Grad School

I need to tell you a story about Herbie.* I’m an account executive in Corporate & Professional Education at WPI. My main job is working with companies and their employees to figure out the kind of advanced education and training they need to succeed. I meet with business leaders, WPI creates custom programs, and then…Continue Reading Don’t Be Like Herbie: Why Today is the Day to Start Grad School

FREE eBook: The Top 10 Soft Skills You Need To Succeed

If everyone comes to the table with the same set of technical, or “hard” skills, how do employers choose who to hire, keep, and promote?  Soft skills. Learn more in our latest eBook! In Soft Skills Are Not Hard to Achieve, you’ll learn about the Top 10 skills that will set you apart from the pack. Developing these important…Continue Reading FREE eBook: The Top 10 Soft Skills You Need To Succeed

Change Your Mind with Systems Thinking

Systems thinking is an effective, holistic way to view any problem you may have in business and personal relations. But don’t take our word for it! Our online and corporate graduate students are raving about WPI’s Intro to Systems Thinking course, and how it has positively affected different aspects of their lives.     SYSTEMS THINKING…Continue Reading Change Your Mind with Systems Thinking

Automating Communication Through Building Information Modeling

My old boss had a favorite saying for occasions when our team failed to keep each other informed. In exasperation, he’d bellow: “All communication… is a miracle!” He’d deliver the last three words with a dramatic flourish. It stuck with me as a simple truth; that we, as engineers and managers, struggle to keep our…Continue Reading Automating Communication Through Building Information Modeling

Centralia, Pennsylvania: A Lesson in Project Management

Project management techniques, processes, and best practices can be implemented in a variety of situations, whether they are planned and executed from start to finish or they are addressing problems. The Project Management Institute defines a project as something that has a beginning and end time, with a defined scope and resources that work towards…Continue Reading Centralia, Pennsylvania: A Lesson in Project Management

10 Communication Secrets from Leaders [Infographic]

Communication is a talent. You have to continuously practice your skills in order to be effective at it. Different environments require different styles, and now, technology effects our communication abilities. Here’s an infographic highlighting 10 communication secrets that can help enhance your skills in order to become a strong leader. What are your tips for…Continue Reading 10 Communication Secrets from Leaders [Infographic]