Major Highlight: Interactive Media and Game Development

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 13, 2012

What is in a game? This is a question that can seem rather simple at first, but WPI Interactive Media & Game Development (IMGD) students know that there are significant amounts of technical and creative elements that are necessary to building a successful game. According to DFC Intelligence, a strategic market research and consulting firm focused on interactive entertainment, the gaming industry is growing and projected to hit $81 billion in sales worldwide by 2016.

The mission of the IMGD program is to create technical artists and creative programmers to drive and grow the development of games and interactive media. In mobile applications, online, or console platforms, all games contain elements of game theory, storytelling, art, sound, and animation. At WPI, students can focus their studies either on the technical side or the creative side, while gaining cross-functional skills through an interdisciplinary curriculum and team-based projects.

Journalist Robert Lehrman recently visited WPI to discuss the games industry with faculty and students, while writing the Christian Science Monitor article “Video game Nation: Why so many play,” journalist As part of the discussion, faculty shared their mission of developing students who adapt to change and the next wave of technology.

The benefit of having both technological and creative skills also applies to many roles outside of game development as well. From user-interface applications for software, project management, hardware platforms, human factors, and marketing applications, IMGD graduates are cutting-edge and are able to bring holistic and creative business solutions to the table.

If your company is interested in WPI Interactive Media & Game Development talent, then consider exploring the capabilities of our students and faculty. Visit the WPI Interactive Media & Game Development website and ask the WPI Career Development Center staff how you can recruit talented individuals for your organization.

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