Group Reports

Wind Turbines and Invisible Technology: Unarticulated Reasons for Local Opposition to Wind Energy

Group: Governance Sergio Dominguez, Benjamin Beliveau, Molly Steinberg, Julia Jankowski   Dr. Benjamin K. Sovacool works as a researcher and consultant on issues mentioning energy policy, energy security, climate change mitigation, and climate change adaptation. He does research on renewable energy, energy efficiency, politics of large scale energy infrastructure, designing public policy around energy security… Read more Wind Turbines and Invisible Technology: Unarticulated Reasons for Local Opposition to Wind Energy

Energy Colonialism Powers the Ongoing Unnatural Disaster in Puerto Rico

Lauryn Hubbard, Zachary Chapins, Vianney Senlecq de Onís CM (2018) Energy Colonialism Powers the Ongoing Unnatural Disaster in Puerto Rico. Front. Commun. 3:2. doi: 10.3389 Catalina M. De Onis is a professor and scholar at Williamette University and the author of several books and studies on environmental topics, especially on Latin culture, colonialism, energy, race… Read more Energy Colonialism Powers the Ongoing Unnatural Disaster in Puerto Rico

Rags to Riches: Should Offshore Drilling Rigs be Transformed into Artificial Coral Reefs? Emily Baker, Brian Brooks, Jacob Fisher, Elise Smutko

Emily Baker, Brian Brooks, Jacob Fisher, Elise Smutko Professor San Martin HI 2400 6 December 2018 Jorgensen, Dolly.  “Environmentalists on Both Sides: Enactments in the California Rigs-to-Reefs Debate” New Natures: Joining Environmental History with Science and Technology Studies. Ed. Sara M. Pritchard, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. 2013. 51-68. Rags to Riches: Should Offshore Drilling… Read more Rags to Riches: Should Offshore Drilling Rigs be Transformed into Artificial Coral Reefs? Emily Baker, Brian Brooks, Jacob Fisher, Elise Smutko

Woman’s Crucial Role in Collective Operation and Maintenance of Drinking Water Infrastructure in Rural Uganda

Drew Grenier Joe-Yee Yip Peyton Graham Molly Sykes Professor San Martin (Water Energy-Food Nexus) Topics in Environmental History Naiga, R., Penker, M., & Hogl, K. (2017). Women’s Crucial Role in Collective Operation and Maintenance of Drinking Water Infrastructure in Rural Uganda. Society & Natural Resources,30(4), 506-520. doi:10.1080/08941920.2016.1274460 The authors are researchers in the areas of… Read more Woman’s Crucial Role in Collective Operation and Maintenance of Drinking Water Infrastructure in Rural Uganda

Standing Up for Inherent Rights: The Role of Indigenous-Led Activism in Protecting Sacred Waters and Ways of Life

Norman, Emma S. “Standing Up for Inherent Rights: The Role of Indigenous-Led Activism in Protecting Sacred Waters and Ways of Life.” Society & Natural Resources, vol. 30, no. 4, 2017, pp. 537-553,, doi:10.1080/08941920.2016.1274459.   Emma S. Norman is a department chair and faculty member in the Native Environmental Science Program on the Lummi Nation… Read more Standing Up for Inherent Rights: The Role of Indigenous-Led Activism in Protecting Sacred Waters and Ways of Life

A Small World: How A Group of Finns Creates Changes In Global Indigenous Communities

Evan McCauley, Spencer McClellan, Parshon Sorornejad, Joshua Woodruff Professor San Martin Topics in Environmental History Gaworecki, Mike. “Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Science.” Mongabay Newscast, The author of this episode of Mongabay Newscast, Mike Gaworecki, is a New York based journalist who works as a staff writer and editor at Mongabay. Gaworecki’s work has appeared… Read more A Small World: How A Group of Finns Creates Changes In Global Indigenous Communities

Toxic Waste Dumping on Native American Land

Elijah Thomas, Andrew Fauerbach, Amber Lindberg, Thomas King Professor San Martin ENV2400 06 December 2018 Group Report 3 The author of this article is Luke Cole, a leader in the environmental justice movement during his lifetime, which had argued that many lower class communities have become places where people dispose of their waste. He was… Read more Toxic Waste Dumping on Native American Land

The Effect of Pesticides

This report talks about the history and the effect of pesticides on our societies according to the environmental activist Pellow. David N. Pellow is an environmental justice activist, writer of several books on environmental topics and professor of “environmental justice studies”, “race and ethnic studies”, “social change” and “social movements faculty in environmental studies” at… Read more The Effect of Pesticides

Sociotechnical Imaginaries in Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia

Drew Grenier Joe-Yee Yip Peyton Graham Molly Sykes Professor San Martin (Water Energy-Food Nexus) Topics in Environmental History   Barandiarán, J. (2018). Lithium and development imaginaries in Chile, Argentina and Bolivia. World Development,113, 381-391. doi:   The author Javiera Barandiaran is an Assistant Professor in the department of Global Studies  at the University of California… Read more Sociotechnical Imaginaries in Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia

Hazardous Waste and the Politics of Fear

Sergio Dominguez, Benjamin Beliveau, Julia Jankowski, Molly Steinberg Professor San Martin Topics in Environmental History 11/15/18 Chapter 3- Love Canal: Hazardous Waste and the Politics of Fear Judith Layzer first received a bachelor’s degree in economics at the University of Michigan in 1983 and a Ph.D. in 1999 in Political Science from MIT. She has… Read more Hazardous Waste and the Politics of Fear