
[B1] F. Ganji, On the Learnability of Physically Unclonable Functions. Springer. 

Journal Papers

[J1] S. Chowdury, F. Ganji, D. Forte, “Recycled SoC Detection using LDO Degradation” SN Computer Science. Vol. 1, No. 6, 2020.

[J2] F. Ganji, S. Tajik, Pascal Stauss, J.-P. Seifert, D. Forte, and M. Tehranipoor, “Rock’n’ roll PUFs: Crafting Provably Secure PUFs from Less Secure Ones,” Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2019. 

[J3] F. Ganji, D. Forte, J.-P. Seifert, “PUFmeter: a Property Testing Tool for Assessing the Robustness of Physically Unclonable Functions to Machine Learning Attacks,” IEEE Access, Vol.7, 2019. 

[J4] F. Ganji, D. Forte, N. Asadizanjani, M. Tehranipoor, D. Woodard, “The Power of IC Reverse Engineering for Hardware Trust and Assurance,” Electronic Device Failure Analysis (EDFA), May 2019. 

[J5] F. Ganji, N. Karimian, D. Woodard, D. Forte, “Leave Adversaries in the Dark- BLOcKeR: Secure and Reliable Biometric Access Control”, The Journal of the Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC), Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 2019. 

[J6] F. Ganji, S. Tajik, F. Faessler, and J.-P. Seifert, “Having No Mathematical Model May Not Secure PUFs,” Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2017. 

[J7] F. Ganji, S. Tajik, and J.-P. Seifert, “PAC Learning of Arbiter PUFs,” (extended version), Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2016.

[J8] F. Ganji, et al. “Greening the campus WLAN: energy-relevant usage and mobility patterns,” Computer networks- Special issue on green communications, Vol.78, Elsevier, February 2014. 

[J9] Ł. Budzisz, F. Ganji, G. Rizzo, M.A. Marsan, M. Meo, Y. Zhang, G. Koutitas, L. Tassiulas, S. Lambert, B. Lannoo, and M. Pickavet, “Dynamic Resource Provisioning for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Access Networks: a Survey and an Outlook,” IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol.16, No.4, Fourth quarter 2014. 

Conference and Workshop Papers

[C1] T. Kra­chen­fels, F. Ganji, A. Mo­ra­di, S. Tajik, J.-P Sei­fert, “Re­al-world Snap­shots vs. Theo­ry: Ques­tio­ning The T-pro­bing Se­cu­ri­ty Model, ” accepted for IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2021. 

[C2] R. Acharya, S. Chowdhury, F Ganji, and D. Forte, “Attack of the Genes: Finding Keys and Parameters of Locked Analog ICs Using Genetic Algorithm” accepted for IEEE International Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), December 2020. 

[C3] U. Botero, F. Ganji, N. Asadizanjani, D.Woodard, D. Forte, “Semi-Supervised Automated Layer Identification of X-ray Tomography Imaged PCBs”, to appear IEEE International Conference on Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics (PAINE), December 2020. 

[C4] P. Ghosh, U. Botero, F. Ganji, D. Woodard, RS Chakraborty, D. Forte, “Automated Detection and Localization of Counterfeit Chip Defects by Texture Analysis in Infrared (IR) Domain”, to appear IEEE International Conference on Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics (PAINE), December 2020. 

[C5] U. Botero, D. Koblah, DE Capecci, F. Ganji, N. Asadi, DL Woodard, D. Forte, “Automated Via Detection for PCB Reverse Engineering”, to appear International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (ISTFA), November 2020. 

[C6] S. Chowdhury, F Ganji, D. Forte, “Low-Cost Remarked Counterfeit IC Detection Using LDO Regulators”, accepted for IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), October 2020. 

[C7] F. Ganji, S. Amir, S. Tajik, J.-P. Seifert, and D. Forte, “Pitfalls in Machine Learning-based Adversary Modeling for Hardware Systems,” to appear in Proc. of Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, March 2020.

[C8] S. Chowdhury, F. Ganji, T. Bryant, N. Maghari, and D. Forte, “Recycled Analog and Mixed Signal Chip Detection at Zero Cost Using LDO Degradation,” in Proc. of IEEE International Test Conference (ITC),  November 2019.

[C9] S. Shomaji, F. Ganji, D. Woodard, and D. Forte, “Hierarchical Bloom Filter Framework for Security, Space-efficiency, and Rapid Query Handling in Biometric Systems,” in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), September 2019. 

[C10] M. Alam, S. Tajik, F. Ganji, M. Tehranipoor, D. Forte, “RAM-Jam: Remote Temperature and Voltage Fault Attack on FPGAs using Memory Collisions”, in Proc. of Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography (FDTC), August 2019. 

[C11] F. Ganji, S. Tajik, Pascal Stauss, J.-P. Seifert, D. Forte, and M. Tehranipoor, “Rock’ n’ roll PUFs: Crafting Provably Secure PUFs from Less Secure Ones,” in Proc. of International Workshop on Security Proofs for Embedded Systems (PROOFS), August 2019. 

[C12] P. Ghosh, F. Ganji, D. Forte, D. Woodard, RS Chakraborty, “Automated Framework for Unsupervised Counterfeit Integrated Circuit Detection by Physical Inspection,” in Proc. of International Conference on Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics (PAINE), July 2019. 

[C13] F. Ganji, S. Tajik, and J.-P. Seifert, “A Fourier Analysis Based Attack against Physically Unclonable Functions,” in Proc. of Financial Cryptography and Data Security, 2018. 

[C14] F. Ganji, S. Tajik, F. Faessler, and J.-P. Seifert, “Strong Machine Learning Attack against PUFs with No Mathematical Model,” in Proc. of Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES), 2016.

[C15] F. Ganji, S. Tajik, J.-P. Seifert, “Let Me Prove it to You: RO PUFs are Provably Learnable,” in Proc. of International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, 2015.

[C16] F. Ganji, J. Krämer, J. -P. Seifert, S. Tajik, “Lattice Basis Reduction Attack against Physically Unclonable Functions,” in Proc. of ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2015.

[C17] F. Ganji, S. Tajik, J. -P. Seifert, “Why Attackers Win: On the Learnability of XOR Arbiter PUFs,” in Proc. of Trust and Trustworthy Computing, 2015.

[C18] S. Tajik, H. Lohrke, F. Ganji, J. -P. Seifert, C. Boit, “Laser Fault Attack on Physically Unclonable Functions,” in Proc. of Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography, 2015.

[C19] F. Ganji, A. Zubow, Ł. Budzisz, and A. Wolisz, “On detecting WLAN users communication attempts,” in Proc. of IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, May 2014.

[C20] F. Ganji, Ł. Budzisz , A. Wolisz, “Assessment of the Power Saving Potential in Dense Enterprise WLANs,” in Proc. of 24th annual IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’13), London, Great Britain, September 2013.

[C21] F. Ganji, Ł. Budzisz, and A. Wolisz, “Assessment of the power saving potential in dense enterprise WLANs,” TKN Group, TU Berlin, Tech. Rep. TKN-13-003, April 2013.

[C22] F. Ganji, V. Tabatabavakili, F.S. Khodadad, M. Hosseinnezhad, and A. Safaei, “A novel BEM- based channel estimation algorithm for time-variant uplink OFDMA system,” in Proc. of International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2010.

[C23] F.S. Khodadad, F. Ganji, A. Safaei, and F.S. Khodadad, “A Robust PN Length Estimation in Down Link Low-SNR DS-CDMA Multipath Channels,” in Proc. of International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2010.

[C24] F. Samsami Khodadad and F. Ganji, M. R. Aref, “A Practical Approach for Coherent Signal Surveillance and Blind Parameter Assessment in Asynchronous DS-CDMA Systems in Multipath Channel,” in Proc. of 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2010).

[C25] M. Hosseinnezhad and F. Ganji, “Low Complexity MMSE-based Channel Estimation Algorithm in Frequency Domain for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access System,” in Proc. of 10th Annual IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON ’09), 2009. 

Informal Publications (Including Under-review Papers)

[I1] F. Ganji, and S. Tajik, “Physically Unclonable Functions and AI: Two Decades of Marriage,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.11355, 2020. 

[I2] S. Tajik, and F. Ganji, “Artificial Neural Networks and Fault Injection Attacks,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.07072, 2020. 

[I3] S. Chowdhury, A. Covic, R.Y. Acharya, S. Dupee, F. Ganji, and D. Forte, “Physical Security in the Post-quantum Era: A Survey on Side-channel Analysis, Random Number Generators, and Physically Unclonable Functions,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.04344, 2020. 

[I4] A. Covic, F. Ganji, and D. Forte, “Circuit Masking Schemes: New Hope for Backside Probing Countermeasures?,” SRC TECHCON, 2020. 

[I5] U.J. Botero, R. Wilson, H. Lu, M.T. Rahman, M.A. Mallaiyan, F. Ganji, N. Asadizanjani, M.M. Tehranipoor, D.L. Woodard, and D. Forte, “Hardware Trust and Assurance through Reverse Engineering: A Survey and Outlook from Image Analysis and Machine Learning Perspectives,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.04210, 2020. 

[I6] F. Ganji, “Composability of Machine-Learning Resistant PUFs – When Yao Fails -or- Can we build secure composite PUFs?,” Secure Composition for Hardware Systems (Dagstuhl Seminar 19301). Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2019.

[I7] S.M. Sohi, F. Ganji, and J.P Seifert, “Recurrent Neural Networks for Enhancement of Signature-based Network Intrusion Detection Systems,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.03212, 2018. 

[I8] F. Ganji, S. Tajik, D. Forte, and J.-P. Seifert, “Blockchain-enabled Cryptographically-secure Hardware Obfuscation,” Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2019/928. 


[P1] S. Chowdhury, F. Ganji, N. Maghari and D. Forte, “Recycled Analog and Mixed Signal Chip Detection at Zero Cost Using LDO Degradation,” Provisional Appl. No. 62/901,676, filed September 17, 2019, A&B Ref. 049648/534626, UF Ref. T17833US001

[P2] F. Ganji, S. Tajik, J.-P. Seifert, D. Forte, Mark M. Tehranipoor, “Hardness Amplification of Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs),” Provisional Appl. No. 62/836,829, filed April 22, 2019, A&B Ref. 049648/529675, UF Ref. T17664