Divert & Alert

This project aims to reduce the incidence rate of police and other emergency personnel being killed or injured when stopped along the roadside, due to collisions caused by oncoming drivers who are impaired or inattentive.

This project aims to reduce the incidence rate of police and other emergency personnel being killed or injured when stopped along the roadside, due to collisions caused by oncoming drivers who are impaired or inattentive. One aspect of the project focuses on developing projected visible cues to guide drivers around the stop site. The second aspect of the project focuses on developing machine vision algorithms to monitor the roadway and warn emergency personnel of oncoming drivers who appear inattentive or impaired.

Related Publications

  • E.T. Solovey, P. Powale, M.L. Cummings. A field study of multimodal alerts for an autonomous threat detection system. Proc. of HCI International 2017 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. 2017.
  • S. Teller, B.K. Horn, R. Finman. B. Wu, E. Solovey, B. Wang, J. Karraker, Divert and Alert: Mitigating and Warning of Traffic Threats to Police Stopped Along the RoadsideNational Institute of Justice Conference. (Poster Presentation). Arlington, VA. June 18-20, 2012. [poster]
  • P. Powale. Design and Testing of a Roadside Traffic Threat Alerting MechanismM. Eng. Thesis, MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Cambridge, MA. 2013. (Thesis supervisor)


MIT CSAIL. (Apr. 2, 2012). “CSAIL scientists, Mass State Police to tackle problem of roadside collisions between drivers and police vehicles”