We believe that this article would be a great addition to this weeks discussions, because it connects to the majority of our discussion from class today (9/17/18). The author goes through the entire line of thinking that occurs when talking about biometrics, starting with a wonderment at how far technology has come and leading through the possible dangers that can be created by simply having the data out in the world. The article expands upon our quick conversation on how we could protect the valuable information that our biometrics have become. It details on the advantages that security utilizing biometrics have over more conventional methods of security, such as simple passwords or pins. As the author says in the article, “Unlike traditional identification which you must either remember or carry with you, biometrics are you. … Such traits are unique to an individual and often, though not always, incredibly difficult to fake.” However, with these advantages, comes the great risk of an individual’s biometrics being hacked or exposed. All in all, this article would greatly contribute to our understanding of how biometrics are used currently in society and how it will affect society in the future.