Andrew Y

Deep Learning AI and Our Generation’s Thoughts on it.

AI is becoming increasingly more prominent in our society. As time goes on, our generation will ultimately become the ones developing and implementing AI into human life. To see how our generation currently stands on AI, I did a survey on Instagram to gather some insight from an audience of primarily high school and college… Read more Deep Learning AI and Our Generation’s Thoughts on it.

The Racial Challenge of Genetics and Biometrics in the 21st Century.

(BIFSTOU) Andrew Yatsuhashi, Dominic Ferro, Colin Reynolds, and Issy Rhodes *All authors contributed equally to the work* Considering the technological advancements of the 21st century, many issues can arise, and affect the validity of the use of genetics. One of the greatest issues in the biomedical community is the sorting of people into categories, categories… Read more The Racial Challenge of Genetics and Biometrics in the 21st Century.