Year: 2018

BIFSTOU Article Nomination

This article from Forbes by John Koetsier titled “Top Russian Cybernetics Experts On AI, Robot Morals, Human Extinction … And Self-Driving Cars” expands upon some of the topics that we have discussed in class. As the title suggests, this article details how a cybernetics experts feels about many of the recent developments in technology, and how… Read more BIFSTOU Article Nomination

PORMAGEI Article Choice: “10 Powerful Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Use Today”

In this Forbes article the question of what is actually AI and what AI is actually in use today. It looks at whether or not what many call AI is actually AI or not. It looks at popular companies like Apple, Amazon, and Tesla to see if AI is actually an accurate description of said… Read more PORMAGEI Article Choice: “10 Powerful Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Use Today”

EGMOSAM Article Nomination

This article from the MIT Technology Review, written by Will Knight, is about the issues that arise when discussing artificial intelligence. For example, when people create the algorithms behind automated decision making, we still can’t truly explain how these decisions are made because these computers are programming themselves. This raises the question of how well… Read more EGMOSAM Article Nomination

How Private is our Lives?

Advancements in the field of genetics and biometrics comes at a cost that few are willing to acknowledge. For years, biometrics experts and software designers have been revolutionizing the ways in which everyday technology utilizes our personal information. But where should the line be drawn? Devices scan faces, store location information, and are trusted with… Read more How Private is our Lives?

Challenges of Biometrics and Genetics

(PORMAGEI) Ian Campbell, Miya Judy, Jack Tatirosian, and Kailana Wang         In recent decades, advancements in genetics and biometrics have begun to revolutionize the world around us.  These advancements have led to technologies such as 23andMe, a site that will provide individuals with a history of their family genetics and personal genealogy.   Other applications include… Read more Challenges of Biometrics and Genetics

The Racial Challenge of Genetics and Biometrics in the 21st Century.

(BIFSTOU) Andrew Yatsuhashi, Dominic Ferro, Colin Reynolds, and Issy Rhodes *All authors contributed equally to the work* Considering the technological advancements of the 21st century, many issues can arise, and affect the validity of the use of genetics. One of the greatest issues in the biomedical community is the sorting of people into categories, categories… Read more The Racial Challenge of Genetics and Biometrics in the 21st Century.

Adversities of the Biometrics and Genetics Industries

(AEEC) Connor Burri, Patrick O’Mullan, Matthew Spofford, Alex Young Categorization of people has been a challenging topic for centuries. With developing technologies in the realms of genetics and biometrics, we are for the first time able to accurately categorize people based not just by appearance, but by the molecules that encode their being. However, these… Read more Adversities of the Biometrics and Genetics Industries

Becoming Data: The Cost of Advancing the Fields of Genetics and Biometrics with Technology

(ACHSRE) Gabriel Dudlicek, Phillip Durgin, Angela Ferro, Adam Goldsmith Today, the burgeoning fields of genetics and biometrics are continuously being woven into contemporary life, often times without the general population even noticing. This data can have many practical and beneficial purposes, such as identification, security, and medical research. However, concerns about what entities have access to… Read more Becoming Data: The Cost of Advancing the Fields of Genetics and Biometrics with Technology

The Annihilation of Privacy & Preservation of Racial Categorization 

By Emma Bailey, Joshua O’Grady, Andrew Panneton, Matt Stevens *All authors contributed equally to this work. Genetics and biometrics are major emerging technologies of the 21st century. As scientists continue to make more discoveries and technologies become more advanced, it is only natural that controversial issues arise. The main issues that have risen from these advancements are… Read more The Annihilation of Privacy & Preservation of Racial Categorization