Rebecca Moody

Assistant Professor of Teaching, Arts & Sciences

Items found in Rebecca Moody's office

In each issue, we introduce you to members of the faculty through items they have in their offices.

  1. Rainbow

    A member of my “Queer Council” 3-D printed this for me. One day in their first year at WPI, six students stuck around after class to talk; we’ve met every week since then to simply chat about our lives. As a humanities professor on a STEM campus, I love connecting with students around cool, technical things that they understand far better than I do. These informal mentoring moments were foundational when I was their age; I hope to offer them similar support.

  2. Book

    Sara Ahmed’s book represents who I am as a thinker and a teacher. It was formative in helping me understand who I am and what I want to be personally and professionally. Now, when teaching it, I love watching students experience similar “Ah ha!” moments.
Rebecca Moody

Rebecca Moody

3. Ink Drawing

A student in my Introduction to Philosophy & Religion course sketched Karl Marx while we read one of his essays as a way of processing on the information in it through art. It reminds me that students learn in many ways, none more valid or “correct” than others.

4. Flower

A professor gave this to me at a very low point in my academic life. I was a first-generation college student and my first semester as an undergraduate at Oklahoma State University was rough. I almost dropped out. My history professor gave out random awards each week; this was for “Most Improved.” It gave me just enough encouragement to get me through that moment. I try to remember that feeling when supporting my own students.

5. Card

As a professor of religion and gender, sexuality & women’s studies, I never thought I would be teaching on a STEM campus. In fact, at first, I had no clue how it would work. Turns out I love it here and am thrilled being “bad at math” set me on this path. I like to think we’re all nerds together, whether we ever understand Calc III or not!

6. Wooden Plaque

Students in my first cohort at the Morocco Humanities & Arts Project Center in C-term 2020 commissioned this in the Rabat Medina. “Morocco Baby” represents the “It’s Morocco; anything can happen!” carefree attitude we all adopted. It’s surrounded by their favorite Moroccan Arabic phrases. We ended up getting one of the last flights out as the world was shutting down for COVID.

Reader Comments


  1. D
    Debra Howard

    A woman with such love for education and her students. All her life she loved reading, studying and sharing her original ideas with the world. Teach them well Rebecca, keep sharing those ideas and all the life lessons you have learned.
    Debra Howard (Mom)

  2. A
    Althea Danielski

    I’m inspired by the way Rebecca centers her students in her academic and personal life! She creates such a loving learning community for her students.

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