Elizabeth Long Lingo

Associate Professor in The Business School

Items found in Elizabeth Long Lingos office, including a monkey, a wheel and a harmonica

In each issue, we introduce you to members of the faculty through items they have in their offices.

  1. Monkey/puzzle piece

These are props from a group creativity exercise where we explore this fundamental question: How do you approach creative problem solving—as a given puzzle to be solved or an emergent process to be navigated? 

2. Wheel

I help managers and students take a broad view of creativity that goes well beyond the arts. This wheel is from a creative practice workshop where we rebuilt and customized bicycles for local kids.

3. Harmonica

I spent years immersed in Nashville’s music industry, studying how music producers negotiated and facilitated collective creativity in high-ambiguity contexts. I tried my hand at playing cowbell and harmonica on a songwriter’s demo record.

Elizabeth Long Lingo

Elizabeth Long Lingo

4. Button

I was co-principal investigator on two National Science Foundation ADVANCE grants exploring the lived experience of faculty in navigating promotion systems and the potentially transformative role of department heads in fostering innovation among all faculty. 

5. Rock

I found this rock shard with my brother, a geologist, near the Black Hills of South Dakota. The plain exterior hiding the crystal beneath is a reminder of the hidden gems that await when we bring mindfulness and curiosity to our leadership and work.

6. Papers

My research has been published in top-tier academic and executive-oriented journals. In a recent one, co-author Hille C. Bruns and I find that digital technologies designed to supercharge productivity can threaten creativity and innovation.

Reader Comments


  1. P
    Peter Rontea

    Thank you, Elizabeth Long Lingo, for sharing these innovative props! Using tools like a puzzle and a wheel to demonstrate creative problem-solving and broad creativity is truly inspiring. Your research on the impact of digital technologies on creativity and innovation is both relevant and insightful. Keep up the fantastic work in pushing the boundaries of how we approach creative challenges!

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