Contact Info and Comment Guidelines

As the university magazine for WPI, the WPI Journal celebrates the university’s academic and research excellence and the accomplishments and achievements of our community, including students, faculty, and alumni. Through in-depth features, profiles, and human interest stories, the Journal demonstrates how a WPI education that balances theory with practice prepares our students to have a positive impact on the world.

The print magazine is published four times a year by University Marketing Communications. The digital complement to the magazine,, is updated regularly throughout the year.

Comment Guidelines

Some stories have a comment widget activated to encourage engagement. We welcome comments on our stories under these conditions:

  • Be respectful and considerate of others.
  • Comments should relate to the story under which they are posted.
  • Abusive or defamatory language will not be tolerated.
  • You must provide your name and email, although only your name will appear in the post.

All comments will be reviewed prior to posting. Any comments that violate these guidelines will not be posted.



WPI Journal
100 Institute Road, Boynton Hall
Worcester, MA 01609

Address Changes:

Correspondence, Feedback & Story Suggestions:

Class Notes:

Follow us on WPI’s social media channels with #WPIJournal

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Kristen O’Reilly

Executive Editor

Alison Duffy

Contributing Editors
Ashley Dill
Peggy Isaacson
Judith Jaeger
Julia Quinn-Szcesuil
Allison Racicot

Design & Creative
Lynn Saunders
Todd Verlander

Production Manager
Brian O’Connell

Jonathan Cain
Arthur Carlson
Amy Crawford
Michael Dorsey
Lisa Eckelbecker
Steve Foskett
Sira Naras Frongillo
Judith Jaeger
Mia Lumsden
Julia Quinn-Szcesuil
Allison Racicot
Colleen Bamford Wamback

Pep Boatella
Albert EspÍ
Zoe Pappenheimer
Jonathan D. Reinfurt

Wendy Adams
Matthew Burgos
Todd Verlander

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