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Collective Learning Meetings (CLM)

Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s System Dynamics Club hosts monthly (formerly weekly) Collective Learning Meetings (CLM).  These student-run events are meetings for people to obtain feedback on unfinished or exploratory work. We occasionally host presentations from experts on various topics. We welcome all learners from any institution to participate and present.

We co-host meetings with the System Dynamics Society’s Economics special interest group (SIG), Environmental SIGWater SIG and the Transboundary Groundwater Resilience (TGR) network, and are always willing to co-host events. We have also co-hosted events with the Student ChapterSouth Africa Chapter and Psychology and Human Behavior SIG.

In addition to providing a platform for peer feedback, we also host Peer Tutoring Sessions which also serve as networking sessions where participants share resources and tips. If you are new to SD, please join us. We can help you navigate your SD journey and connect you to those in your application area. Here is an archive of our Peer Tutoring Session notes.

In 2013, when Saeed Langarudi and Raafat Zaini were PhD students, they started hosting CLMs to have a regular meeting to share and learn from each other. In 2014, after reviving the WPI SD Club, they invited students and faculty from different departments at WPI. Since 2014, SD Club has hosted these meetings for anyone to attend. We went hybrid in 2015 and are currently fully online

Complete this form to sign up for a CLM presentation.  Please make sure to email Christine Tang ( your preferred presentation date and review the CLM presentation guidelines.

For the 2024 Spring Semester, CLMs will be on the last Friday of each month (unless otherwise noted) from 11:00 am – Noon ET (New York).

2024 Spring Semester Schedule

Jan 26th: [Econ SIG] [Env SIG] [Water SIG] [TGR] Welcome (Back) and Networking Session
Feb 23rd: Poems and Problems with CT: “Given a complex problem, what method(s) should we use?”
Mar 29th: Ivan Taylor on “Building System Dynamics Models in Microsoft Excel”
Apr 26th: [Canceled] Open Discussion Session [Canceled]. We recommend attending the Student Chapter meeting instead.
Apr 30th [8PM New York time]: [Env SIG] [Water SIG] [TGR] Networking Session – (Natural) Resource Sharing

Future CLMs
July ??: [Env SIG] [Water SIG] [TGR]
Oct [reschedule to Nov??]: [Env SIG] [Water SIG] [TGR][CUNY SD Journal Club] CT on REMODEAL and GRANDE-U

Recordings of past CLMs are available here.

Video of Tim Clancy on “Evidence of Terror Contagion – Role of Experiments, Confidence Building & Testing”

We welcome presenters and attendees from around the world. Here is a map of where CLM participants called in from.

List of Past CLMs

We have been hosting CLMs since 2014. Below are some of the schedules