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Below are some frequently asked questions that we receive through email and from participants in the Collective Learning Meetings.

Where can I find good examples of System Dynamics (SD) works?
We recommend searching the System Dynamics Society’s bibliography, case repository, model repository and special interest group pages and connecting with people in your application area.

Good models are made with good parts. We suggest that people review the Molecules of System Dynamics Structure, a warehouse of small expert structures for building system dynamics models.

What does [SD term] mean?
“A system dynamics glossary” complied by David Ford.

Where can I find help with building my SD model or defining my problem for modeling?
You are always welcome to present your work in-progress (WIP) at a WPI System Dynamics Collective Learning Meeting where you will have 1 hour to present and receive feedback.

Various System Dynamics Society (SDS) special interest groups (e.g., Agriculture & Food, Economics, Health Policy, Pre-College Education, Psychology & Human Behavior, and Security, Stability & Resilience) have monthly meetings to discuss WIP.

If you are a beginner and do not have an advisor or mentor experienced in SD, then we suggest you join SDS and sign up to receive one-on-one mentoring. SDS peer mentoring groups are open to all.

Are there free introductory System Dynamics courses?
For free course material, we recommend Road Maps and MIT’s Introduction to System Dynamics.

WPI offers affordable self-paced micro-courses.

For more information on courses, see the System Dynamics Society’s Online Course Catalog.

Where can I learn other systems or simulation methods?
Various universities have Systems programs. At WPI, we focus on system dynamics but also offer an in-person undergraduate course in discrete-event simulation (using ARENA) and an graduate course in agent-based modeling (using NetLogo).

We recommend Binghamton University’s Systems Science and Industrial Engineering program and Portland State University’s Systems Science program.

The Santa Fe Institute offers many complex systems, modeling, and simulation courses on Complexity Explorer.

Where can I learn systems thinking?
See the System Dynamics Society’s Online Course Catalog.

The Waters Center for Systems Thinking offers many free or affordable courses through their Thinking Tools Studio.