Musical Swarm Robots

Jeremy Wong, Cameron Williams, Victoria Mirecki

Musical Robotics: B-term 2020


Our musical swarm robots contain two small individual robots that act as a swarm. These robots are placed on a 2’ x 2’ table which contains a overlooking webcam. The robots each contain a different color on top which allows for the webcam to track each robot’s position. The robots have sensors on them so that they do not run into the walls. The table is split up into nine sections and depending on which part of the table the robot is in determines what music is played. Our idea for the musical output stemmed from the concept of emergence and the musical dice game (as explained in our paper). We each created nine different audio files for each robot which corresponds to each of the nine sections of the grid. Ultimately, the robots function on their own and we were able to have them produce a few swarm-like tendencies.

Demo of Robots in Action


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