
Musical Robotics – B Term 2021

By: Peter Buterbaugh, Dylan Flegel, Truman Larson, and Michael Rossetti

The Final Design

Auto-Chimes is an extension of a previous automatic chimes instrument created by two of the team members. The design of this instrument was chosen to act as a centerpiece and created unique challenges related to the display of physical movement while playing and the ability to play certain musical pieces. We wanted to focus on improving the aesthetic design and focus on motion, while still being able to play the chimes. The team encountered multiple issues through the machining and build process, which led us to some new discoveries about how to design our machine and led us to make sacrifices that determined the end design and capabilities that did not fall in line with our original goals. Through the design process the team found ways to increase the performance of the machine, while also maintaining its shape and charm. Although in the end we might not have been the most successful, it was a fun process and project!

The Final CAD

The CAD showing the hanging mechanism and the future design for the rotating solenoids

The group composition for Auto-Chimes

Download our final paper here:

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