Featured works: An effective approach towards the immobilization of PtSn nanoparticles on noncovalent modified MWCNTs for ethanol oxidation

Filed in Research by on March 31, 2016

Extract figure from the NNL featured works (Title: An effective approach towards the immobilization of PtSn nanoparticles on noncovalent modified MWCNTs for ethanol oxidation)

Featured works: An effective approach towards the immobilization of PtSn nanoparticles on noncovalent modified MWCNTs for ethanol oxidation

Featured works: An effective approach towards the immobilization of PtSn nanoparticles on noncovalent modified MWCNTs for ethanol oxidation

X. Geng, R. Datta, and J. Liang, “An effective approach towards the immobilization of PtSn nanoparticles on noncovalent modified MWCNTs for ethanol oxidation”, Energies, Vol. 9 (3), pp. 165, March 2016

Link to the original article

(Published on May 05, 2016)


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