UTC Engineering Ambassadors

2013_July_-_UTC_Intern_Summer_Dinner_rdax_300x400UTC is a proud sponsor of the WPI Engineering Ambassador program, a leadership and communications development opportunity for WPI undergraduate students.

What do engineering ambassadors do?

WPI students who are chosen for this program work to engage younger generations in the excitement of STEM fields. In the process they develop key leadership, presentation, and project management skills for their own educational and professional development.

What do sponsoring companies do?

As a sponsor company, UTC helps to choose the criteria by which Engineering Ambassadors are chosen. In addition, UTC sponsors academic stipends for the Ambassadors and provides summer internships for participants. UTC helps to support the Ambassadors with presentation training and fundamental leaderships skills such as project management and change management. The company also works with local middle and high school classrooms to promote STEM programs and applications within UTC’s target industries.

UTC’s participation in the Engineering Ambassador Program offers a big impact on the WPI campus and on the aspirations of young minds. You can learn more about the program requirements and the latest news by visiting this page. Profiles of current ambassadors are provided below.

Contact for more information:

Jenna Noel-Grinshteyn

Program Manager for Engineering Ambassadors
and Pre-College Outreach Programs
WPI – Bartlett Center
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609
P: 508-831-5286
F: 508-831-5875