
In the SNAP Lab, we’re interested in fundamental questions about the experiences and abilities that make us human, such as:

How do we effectively manage our emotions in light of various goals we’re pursuing, and what happens when we experience setbacks in our goal pursuit?

–In the face of various stressors, which emotional coping strategies are effective (and for whom)? And how can we leverage these strategies to promote health and wellbeing?

–Which brain regions and networks help support the processes listed above, and how can we alter brain functioning to increase psychological resilience?

Current and forthcoming research projects are tackling questions such as:

Which kinds of interventions can be developed to alter a person’s self-worth, so it is less affected by the praise and esteem of others (especially in online contexts), and which brain regions and networks help support these changes?

How can we identify problematic aspects of social media use in young adults and break links between problematic use and poor mental health?

How does real world exposure to appetitive cues (e.g., living near fast food restaurants, convenience stores, etc.) impact neural food cue reactivity and regulation of eating behaviors?