Research Staff

Christopher Clark
PhD Candidate

Chris graduated from the Technical University of Denmark in June 2024 with a MSc in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, building on his background in both mechanical engineering and international business. His research interests include surface engineering, coatings, and heat treatment, in particular for ferrous and titanium alloys. He worked for MAN Energy Solutions (a subsidiary of Volkswagen AG)  with technical documentation for marine engines for almost four years.


Noah Kantor
PhD Candidate

Noah is a first year PhD candidate studying Materials Science and Engineering. He graduated from WPI in 2023 with his BS degree in Chemical Engineering and in 2024 with an MS degree in Materials Science and Engineering. Noah has worked in various R&D roles as an intern in material science fields such as glass science and the industrial heat treatment of carbon steels. He has a specific interest in the metallurgical field and more specifically heat treatment and surface engineering.



Ellen Troyanosky
PhD Candidate

Ellen joined WPI in August 2022 after receiving their B.S. degree in Materials Science and Engineering with a concentration in Ferrous Physical Metallurgy at the University of Pittsburgh in Spring 2022. At WPI, their research interests are in the heat treatment of steel and other metals. Their current research is on the post-processing of additively manufactured 17-4PH stainless steel.


Qianchen Zeng
PhD Candidate

Qianchen graduated from WPI in August 2023.  He majored in Mechanical Engineering and is now working on his PhD degree in Manufacturing Engineering studying the microstructure of steel after heat treatment.



Aknur Aitakyn
Undergraduate Affiliate





Richard Chen
Undergraduate Affiliate





Samantha Romero
Undergraduate Affliate





Julie Wakeem
Undergraduate Affliate