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Recent heat treat research includes:

Distortion & residual stress, austempering to form bainite, heat treatment of AM parts, carburization process optimization, understanding, controlling and optimizing quenching, carbonitriding process optimization.

At CHTE, we are committed to developing collaborative research for the heat treating and thermal engineering industries. Members have a voice in selecting quality research, like optimizing carburization and quenching processes; better understanding induction and furnace tempering; austempering parameters; and distortion and residual stress.  All of our research helps members solve today’s, real-world business challenges.

Research Protocol:

  • Research projects are member-driven. Each research project has a focus group made up of members who provide an industrial perspective.
  • Members submit and vote on proposed projects.
  • Four projects are initiated each year.
  • Members have royalty-free IP rights to pre-competitive research.
  • Members have the option of paying to sponsor proprietary projects.
  • CHTE periodically does large-scale projects funded by the federal government or foundations. These projects keep members informed about leading edge technology.
  • Members are trained on all research technology and software updates.