Telegram & Gazette Profiles Sean Kelly for Work on Recycling Automotive Aluminum Scrap

Telegram & Gazette Profiles Sean Kelly for Work on Recycling Automotive Aluminum Scrap

The Telegram & Gazette recently published a profile of the work being done by CR3 doctoral candidate Sean Kelly on the recycling of aluminum automotive scrap, also known as Twitch. An excerpt of the article is shown below:

Researchers at CR3 work to understand how aluminum is recycled from vehicles so they can help the U.S. car manufacturing industry use recycled aluminum in efficient and environmentally sustainable ways. According to the Aluminum Association, recycling aluminum saves 90 percent of the energy needed to produce primary aluminum, which is extracted as an ore from the earth’s crust. Because aluminum maintains performance and strength during recycling, the same piece of aluminum can be recycled numerous times. Read the full article here.

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