WPI, CSM, and KU Leuven are unparalleled in that the organizations have a long tradition of materials processing and extractive metallurgy research. The equipment at the Metal Processing Institute and the laboratories at WPI are a resource for the center in the areas of metal sortation, scrap characterization, rare earth extraction, and Li-ion battery processing. The facilities and equipment at CSM’s Kroll Institute for Extractive Metallurgy uniquely position CR3 to conduct research in the area of resource recovery and recycling of materials. Similarly, the Departments of Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Geology, and Chemistry at KU Leuven allow research in the areas of zero-waste critical and base metal recycling including valorisation of processing residues into building materials, and enhanced landfill mining and policy research.
WPI Laboratory Assets
CSM Laboratory and Research Resources
KU Leuven Laboratory and Research Resources