Strategic Alliances

Strategic Alliances

Strategic Alliances? Who needs them?  We all do!  Everything we do is global, and innovation resides where knowledge workers are at work. We at MPI have made a point to form alliances with key and important centers of excellence around the world, and we have done so from day one.  Some of our relationships are three decades long, and going strong.

Our strategic academic partners:





At MPI we have established agreements for cooperation and collaboration with each of these institutions of higher learning, and thus created a win-win for all of us. For example, when Arne Dahle was a graduate student at NTNU with Professor Lars Arnberg, he spent a good six months with us—a most fruitful experience for him. There are so many other examples that it would be difficult to cite them all. In addition to people exchanges, we have found our strategic partnerships to be valuable to our consortia members. Our academic friends around the globe are also members of the MPI family; we cherish these relations and we work to maintain them.

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