(Student Submission)
Theme: Before, During, and After
Artist Statement:
“I Was Wrong About You” is a poem in response to the theme, Before, During and After. It is about the journey of self love that I have experienced throughout the past few months in isolation. As I started to spend more time alone, I paid more attention to the little things that bring me joy. The first stanza begins before the pandemic. The second and third stanzas highlight the turning points in my journey of personal growth. These moments are also captured through the change in the way that “you” is written. When referring to a time when I saw myself in a negative light, I chose to use just the letter, “u.” I used the letter over the full word demonstrates the lack of self worth that I felt. Throughout the poem, I transitioned to addressing myself with the full word, “you,” to emphasise my journey to self love. In writing this, I have reflected how much I have grown, and realized that positive changes can happen even during difficult times.
I Was Wrong About You
I didn’t believe that u were beautiful that u were smart
or that u were compassionate.
I didn’t believe u were worthy of loving.
As time with u went on I noticed the little things the things that make you feel like you’re flying like when you ride your bike with the wind
or when you smile at your reflection in the mirror. u promised to do more of that.
I was wrong about you
I see now the way you breathe in the sunset and let the colors fill your lungs the way you care for the garden in the backyard
and how you dance when the rain falls.
I see what’s true.
Self love is life changing.