Year: 2016

Online Grad School FAQ’s

“What should I expect as an online student?” “Can I get hands-on, practical learning in an online course?” “How will I feel connected and supported online?” As a program manager for WPI’s online graduate programs, I hear these three questions more than any others. If you’ve been thinking about grad school and think online is the right…Continue Reading Online Grad School FAQ’s

Don’t Be Like Herbie: Why Today is the Day to Start Grad School

I need to tell you a story about Herbie.* I’m an account executive in Corporate & Professional Education at WPI. My main job is working with companies and their employees to figure out the kind of advanced education and training they need to succeed. I meet with business leaders, WPI creates custom programs, and then…Continue Reading Don’t Be Like Herbie: Why Today is the Day to Start Grad School

Mechanical Engineering: The Root of Innovation [Infographic]

The different sectors of engineering are like trees; while there may be many branches, they all lead back to their roots. Aerospace, Robotics, and Electrical & Computer Engineering are all limbs on the Mechanical Engineering tree. See how M.E. cultivates innovation in our new infographic. Get the foundation you need to make a difference. Explore the field of…Continue Reading Mechanical Engineering: The Root of Innovation [Infographic]

FREE eBook: The Top 10 Soft Skills You Need To Succeed

If everyone comes to the table with the same set of technical, or “hard” skills, how do employers choose who to hire, keep, and promote?  Soft skills. Learn more in our latest eBook! In Soft Skills Are Not Hard to Achieve, you’ll learn about the Top 10 skills that will set you apart from the pack. Developing these important…Continue Reading FREE eBook: The Top 10 Soft Skills You Need To Succeed

How Secure is Your Power? [Free white paper download]

April 16, 2013. San Jose, California. In the middle of the night, power lines are cut and transformers are riddled with bullet holes, totaling over $15 million in damages. December 23, 2015. Ukraine. Hackers infiltrate the nation’s grid, causing widespread outages to over 200,000 people. How did these attacks happen? How can they be prevented?   Securing…Continue Reading How Secure is Your Power? [Free white paper download]

Crash the Course: Introduction to Systems Thinking

In this first installment of Crash the Course*, I’m taking you on a journey into WPI Online’s “Introduction to Systems Thinking” course. I don’t just work at WPI; I’m also a student in one of the first courses offered in a revolutionary new education model: Personalized Online Education (or POE). Here’s why POE works for me. It’s convenient – I’m…Continue Reading Crash the Course: Introduction to Systems Thinking

Corrosion-Resistant Steel: What’s the Best Recipe?

The composition of steel isn’t one-size-fits all. There are dozens of variations of steel, all of which rely on a specific balance of iron, carbon, and one or more other elements for their distinctive properties. For every variety of steel there are unique purposes for which it is best suited across a range of industries….Continue Reading Corrosion-Resistant Steel: What’s the Best Recipe?

Getting the Most Out of Structural Materials

By Mike Ahern, Director, Corporate & Professional Education Like many new structural engineers, I graduated with a good understanding of elastic behavior and how to perform elastic analysis. I was also well-versed in factors of safety and conservative design. When I started my first job at a leading gas turbine engine manufacturer, I realized I…Continue Reading Getting the Most Out of Structural Materials