Month: March 2023

Innovation and Connection: An MBA Q&A with WPI Business School Students

The MBA: A Solid Investment It’s easy to see why a Master of Business Administration (MBA) continues to be one of the most popular degrees at the graduate level. The MBA degree equips graduates with many transferable skills, enabling them to advance in their careers—and it remains a solid investment. According to a recent article in The Wall…Continue Reading Innovation and Connection: An MBA Q&A with WPI Business School Students

6 Computer Science Jobs to Launch Your New Career

Real-world applications of computer science are experienced by billions of people every day. Computer science professionals develop applications, networks, and systems that underpin the global economy. Completing an online master’s in computer science degree unlocks opportunities to shape the world. Online master’s in computer science programs teach future industry leaders to improve lives on grand…Continue Reading 6 Computer Science Jobs to Launch Your New Career

The Impact of Social Media Analytics on Content Strategy

Ready to optimize social media for yourself or your business? First things first, you’ll need a plan. To effectively create your online presence, you can’t just wing it. You need an effective strategy. WPI Professor Kordzadeh, Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Data Science at the Business School at WPI discusses the importance and insights…Continue Reading The Impact of Social Media Analytics on Content Strategy

5 Types of Data Structures and Algorithms Computer Scientists Must Know

Do you want to build advanced computing expertise? You will need to understand the fundamental data structures and algorithms of computer science. Data structures and algorithms are essential in all areas of computing, from operating systems and networking to programming languages. Use this blog to explore five types used by today’s computer science professionals. 1….Continue Reading 5 Types of Data Structures and Algorithms Computer Scientists Must Know