Category: Student Stories

WPI Graduate Commencement 2023

As per tradition, Graduate & Professional Studies staff gathered at the historic Higgins House earlier in the day to celebrate graduates who earned their degrees part-time and/or online. Campus tours were a highlight for the grads and their families because, for many of the students, it was their first time visiting campus! From there, our…Continue Reading WPI Graduate Commencement 2023

Kaija Gisolfi-McCready: In the Business of Healthcare Solutions

If you were to ask Kaija Gisolfi-McCready what her most important achievement while at WPI is, she would be able to tell you right away: “For me, it would be my Major Qualifying Project (MQP), which focuses on building a blood pressure monitor for pregnant women in Ghana.” During the fall term, while pursuing her…Continue Reading Kaija Gisolfi-McCready: In the Business of Healthcare Solutions

Business School Alum Chandlor Lyles: Finding a World of Success

Chandlor Lyles ’16, MS Management Engineering, shares how WPI pushed her to go out of her comfort zone and into an ambitious career. When Chandlor Lyles was searching for a college from her home in Randolph, Mass., WPI wasn’t anywhere on her list. In fact, she had never heard of WPI—but when the university recruited…Continue Reading Business School Alum Chandlor Lyles: Finding a World of Success

Innovation and Connection: An MBA Q&A with WPI Business School Students

The MBA: A Solid Investment It’s easy to see why a Master of Business Administration (MBA) continues to be one of the most popular degrees at the graduate level. The MBA degree equips graduates with many transferable skills, enabling them to advance in their careers—and it remains a solid investment. According to a recent article in The Wall…Continue Reading Innovation and Connection: An MBA Q&A with WPI Business School Students

Closing the ‘Human IT Gap’

Suraj Patil ’19 (MS IT) discusses how WPI prepared him to manage projects and people. As a young boy growing up in India, Suraj Patil’s life changed forever when his father brought home the family’s first computer. Being a child, Suraj was mesmerized by the device’s interface, movement, and colors, and he wondered, “How are…Continue Reading Closing the ‘Human IT Gap’

Back for More: Advancing Industries Through Academic Research

WPI alum Ron Welter discusses how The Business School’s Executive PhD will enable him to drive digital transformation for biopharma companies. Ron Welter ’87, ’02 (MS), ’14 (MBA) is a hands-on person who loves “making stuff,” and he has also always been open to learning new things. Currently, he’s pursuing an Executive PhD from The Business…Continue Reading Back for More: Advancing Industries Through Academic Research

Giving Back While Moving Forward – Gateway Scholar Spotlight

This interview is part of the Gateway Scholar Spotlight Series. WPI Online’s Gateway Scholarship is awarded annually to 5 of our online, part-time graduate students. This series introduces you to the scholarship winners: working professionals who are pursuing their educational goals through WPI Online while juggling career, family, and more. 2019 Gateway Scholarship winner Xiaolin Zhen’s…Continue Reading Giving Back While Moving Forward – Gateway Scholar Spotlight

The Future of Biotech Comes to WPI

  This summer, WPI’s Biomanufacturing Education & Training Center (BETC) hosted a truly incredible young intern named Evelyn, who loves cell culture and is part of the first generation in her family on track to pursue higher education. Read all about Evelyn on the BETC’s Blog.  ♥ Love this post? Subscribe to Catalyst…Continue Reading The Future of Biotech Comes to WPI