Learn more about our heat treat research center by contacting any member of our core team.

Brajendra Mishra
Kenneth G. Merriam Professor of Mechanical & Materials Engineering
Director, Metal Processing Institute & CR3

An internationally known researcher and educator in metallurgical and materials science and engineering, Brajendra is currently engaged in work focused on environmental management through the development of chemically benign processes and the development of materials with enhanced properties. His research over the past 25 years has been supported by more than $40 million in sponsored awards from multiple federal agencies, national laboratories, and industry.

Thomas L. Christiansen
Professor of Mechanical & Materials Engineering
CHTE Technical Director
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Thomas joined WPI in July 2023 as Director of the Center for Heat Treating Excellence (CHTE), Robert Essebe Balmat Jr. Dean’s Professor, and Professor in Mechanical and Materials Engineering. He has more than 20 years of experience within thermochemical surface engineering and heat treatment of metallic materials. His research interests are gas-metal interactions, high-interstitial alloys, (thermochemical) surface engineering and microstructure optimization for improving materials performance – for example via heat treatment. He received his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Surface Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in 2005. From 2008 to 2017 he was Senior Researcher at DTU and from 2017 to 2023 Associate Professor and faculty member. From 2022 to 2023, until the time where he joined WPI, he was president of the Danish Metallurgical Society. He has a special interest and a long record of accomplishment within surface hardening and heat treatment of self-passivating materials such as stainless steels and titanium alloys.

Jianyu Liang
Professor of Mechanical & Materials Engineering
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
1-508-831-5000 x6649

Professor Liang’s research explores the physics of interfaces between the nanometer and micron scales. Her team responds to the challenging interdisciplinary nature of their research endeavor through successful collaboration with colleagues with expertise in metrology, physics, bioscience, medical science, chemistry, and fire protection engineering. Her educational effort includes novel approaches to project-based learning and global centers for science and engineering. She has created three new courses with technical focuses on nanomaterials (ME4875/MTE575/MTE594), nanobiotechnology (ME/CHE 2301) and additive manufacturing (MTE 594). She enjoys fruitful research experience with our capable graduate and undergraduate students.


Maureen Plunkett
Executive Administrator, Metal Processing Institute
Maureen has supported the work of CHTE for over 15 years.  She handles all accounting and meeting planning and also assists with membership retention and recruiting. She is a good place to start with any questions or concerns that you might have.