Research Staff

Bo Raadam

Contactless Flow Measurement of Molten Materials

    Konstantina Koukouza

    Assessment of Environmental Properties of Non-Ferrous Metal Production Slags

      Chaitanya Ruhatiya

      Machining Fluid Filtration and Particle Count Measurement

        Arturo Hirata Miyasaki

        Identify and Develop Processes to Recover and Produce Saleable Silica from Mine Waste

          Zihong Qiu

          Cleaning of fayalite/olivine slags using H2 (and CO): Measurement for the recovery of technology elements, e.g. Pb, Zn, Sb, As, etc. from bath smelting slags

            Luis Aguayo Torrez

            Increased Gas Injection Efficiency through Sonic Jetting Regime Using Hydrogen and Ammonia

              Hrishkesh Nirgude

              Kinetics of FeNi-sulfidization in Ni-Matte with Sulphur Injection into Matte

                Hyunsoo Jin

                Kinetics of FeNi-sulfidization in Ni-Matte with Sulphur Injection into Matte

                  Muxing Guo

                  Roadmap CO2 Reduction on Lead Blast Furnace

                    Jiahui Hou

                    Solar Panel Recycling

                      Carter Colligan

                      Silver, Gold and PGM Distribution Between Doré and Litharge Slag in Pyrometallurgical Lead Refining