Carlo Pinciroli

Associate Professor of Robotics Engineering and Fire Protection Engineering

Items found in Carlo Pinciroli's office

In each issue of the Journal we introduce you to members of the faculty through items they have in their offices.

1. Camera
This infrared camera is part of the Vicon motion capture system that makes it possible to perform complex experiments with robot swarms in laboratory conditions.

2. Toy
This toy bug is inspirational in that it can navigate a cluttered environment despite having no brain.

3. 3D Printed Cat
When I acquired a 3D printer for my laboratory, I asked students to test it on something that would immediately be useful to research. The students made this cat to remind me of all the times one of my cats entered a Zoom call.

Carlo Pinciroli

Carlo Pinciroli

4. Kilobots
These $15 robots enable large-scale experiments on robot coordination in a space as large as a whiteboard. Individually, these robots have severe limitations in terms of computation, communication, and motion; they can’t do much. However, when dozens of them collaborate, collective intelligence emerges.

5. Robot Illustration
For my first Father’s Day, my wife, Rachael, had this drawing made by an artist.

6. Mini Drone
Flying this remote-controlled mini drone in my office is one of my favorite guilty pleasures.

7. Metal Dish
While working on my master’s thesis on omnidirectional robotic vision, I needed a conical mirror to run validation experiments. I drew the cone shape, sent it to a machine shop, and waited for the shiny mirror to be delivered. Instead, a month later, I received a hole in the shape of a cone. Despite this, I got my degree and learned a lesson on the value of clear design specifications.

8. Metal Ant
I received this metal ant on my last day in Belgium from my PhD supervisor, Professor Marco Dorigo (Université Libre de Bruxelles). It was made by his brother-in-law, who is a well-known sculptor in Italy.

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