
Digging Deep Emily, Ben and Caleb at Radius Recycling in Everett
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Digging Deep

To aid a fragile planet, WPI alumni use AI to improve scrap metal recycling in the face of growing demand.

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Untapped Clean Energy Illustration of Sustainable Energy Research at WPI
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Untapped Clean Energy

WPI researchers have some interesting ideas on how to use their technological expertise to find viable pathways for people to run their homes, cars, and businesses while not exhausting the Earth’s resources.

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The Race for the ‘Auld Mug’ WPI alumnus Liam Shanahan with the American Magic racing team in Barcelona
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The Race for the ‘Auld Mug’

Few sporting events capture a sailor’s imagination more than the America’s Cup, and Liam Shanahan ’18 counts himself among the enchanted. As an engineer on the American Magic team, Shanahan hopes that his handiwork will help bring the trophy back to its original home in New York.

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It’s Good to Be King Paul Liberman at DraftKings
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It’s Good to Be King

DraftKings co-founder Paul Liberman ’05 builds a gaming empire with an engineering mindset.

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Pitch Perfect Gabriella Hoops at the 2023 Women's World Cup
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Pitch Perfect

Gabriela Hoops ’19 operates at the crucial intersection between sports and tech.

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A Dry Heat Jamal Yagoobi with his industrial dryer at Sagamore Labs
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A Dry Heat

Jamal Yagoobi’s dual areas of expertise have him in demand everywhere from outer space to the manufacturing floor.

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