Rick Sisson to Chair Heat Treat 2015
Rick Sisson, CHTE Director and WPI Professor of Mechanical Engineering, will chair Heat Treat 2015, which will be held October 20-22, 2015 in Detroit, Michigan at Cobo Hall. The ASM Heat Treating Society and the American Gear Manufacturers Association are partnering to create a solid mix of education, technology, networking and exposition opportunities.
ACRC and CHTE Fall Meeting December 2-3
The ACRC/CHTE fall meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m., on Tuesday, December 2, in Odeum A of the WPI Campus Center with registration starting at 1:00 p.m. There will be a reception and dinner for all members and guests starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Higgins House. The General Meeting for both groups will continue […]
Brajendra Mishra Receives 2015 Presidential Citation
Brajendra Mishra, CR3 co-Director, has been selected by the 2013 President of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical & Petroleum Engineers (AIME), Dale Heinz, and the AIME Board as the 2015 Presidential Citation recipient of AIME. He was selected for “being the champion of cross-disciplinary efforts in the areas of sustainability and carbon management, and […]
AMRT Joins CR3
CR3 welcomes our newest member – Advanced Mineral Recovery Technologies Limited (AMRT Ltd.). AMRT Ltd. provides an innovative, economic solution to environmental challenges posed by waste from mining and smelting of metals. The patent-pending AMRT Process is able to recover valuable metals from materials that are currently dumped.
CR3 Fall Meeting October 13-14
Join us for the 2014 Fall Meeting of the Center for Resource Recovery & Recycling (CR3) on October 13 and 14 at KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. The meeting is open to all members and interested guests. Guests will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement prior to attending the meeting. Meeting logistics and agenda for […]
WPI awarded $7.4 million by Army Research Lab
WPI is the lead institution on a $7.4 million, multi-university award from the U.S. Army. Richard Sisson, WPI professor and Director of the Center for Heat Treating Excellence, is the PI. Diran Apelian (WPI professor/Director of the Metal Processing Institute at WPI), Yan Wang (WPI professor/Center for Resource Recovery & Recycling (CR3)), Makhlouf Makhlouf (WPI […]
CR3 Technology Nominated as Breakthrough
The Center for Resource Recovery & Recycling is pleased to announce that The Continuous Flow Device has been nominated for inclusion in the 2014 Compendium of Industry-Nominated Technology Breakthroughs. The device is an outcome of the CR3 project: Accurate and Precise Optoelectronic Measurement of Molten Metal Chemistry. The research was conducted by Professor Diran Apelian, […]
2014 European Rare Earth Resources Conference
The first ever European Rare Earth Resources (EURARE) Conference will be held September 4-6, 2014 in Milos, Greece. The objective of the conference is to set the basis for development of a European Rare Earth Element (REE) industry. It will safeguard the uninterrupted supply of REE raw materials and products crucial for sectors of the […]
Aluminum Integrated Minimill to Transform Aluminum Processing
Energy Research Company and wTe Corporation (members of the Center for Resource Recovery&Recycling (CR3)) along with Materials Strategies LLC have won an award from the Department of Energy’s ARPA-E program to develop an Aluminum Integrated Minimill (AIM). AIM will use 100% mixed aluminum scrap as the input to produce a specification cast product in a […]