OER Petting Zoo: reasonably priced print editions of OERs

Good news for those who prefer print: an Oregon OER organization has compiled an online list of OERs available as print editions for reasonable prices from self-publishing (Lulu) and institutional (Stanford University, SUNY) platforms.

In a 2019 story announcing the OER Petting Zoo idea at Open Oregon Educational Resources say they wanted “to underscore the idea that open educational resources can be available for free online, or at low cost in print. Too often, faculty assume that the “O” in “OER” stands for “online” rather than “open,” which may create an unnecessary barrier to adoption.”

Among the items on offer is the $13 print version from Lulu of the online OER created at WPI by Professor Marja Bakermans and WPI students,  The 240-page text “was co-authored by undergraduate students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute while exploring the influences of Earth systems and human systems on climate change and the communities at most risk in an interdisciplinary project-based first year course.”

Bakermans’ text is available online at no cost through Digital WPI, where it is one of the first resources available in a new collection of WPI-created Open Educational Resources, and has been viewed over 700 times since it was published in July 2021.

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