Open educational resources centering diversity and inclusion in an engineering curriculum

Guest post by Dr. Laila Abu-Lail (She/Her), Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Chemical Engineering, and Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering (CEAE) Living in a diverse world where technology is advancing every day, I find that access to

Increasing access, quality, and representation for CAD Modeling Education

Guest post by: Reza Ebadi, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Mechanical & Materials Engineering Department While the demand for skilled CAD modelers continues to rise, the available learning resources often fall short in terms of accessibility, content alignment, and representation. Many

Inspiring and EmpOwERing undergraduates to engage with and contribute to the primary literature

Guest post by: Lou Roberts, Associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Biology and Biotechnology When I reflect on my exposure to the primary literature as a Biology and Biotechnology major at WPI, I recall being introduced to journal articles by

EmpOwERing Students to Develop their Scholarly Identities

Guest Post by Dr. Natalie Farny, 2022-2023 EmpOwER Fellow, Assistant Professor, Biology & Biotechnology As an undergraduate student, I had no understanding of the process by which the scientific literature came to be. In fact, the idea that I could

OER Team Awarded 2nd Year of WIN Grant to Continue EmpOwER Fellows Program

The WPI OER Team has been awarded a grant from the Women’s Impact Network to continue past the pilot year our EmpOwER Faculty Fellows Program. The first year of funding supported seven fellows from a variety of disciplines – biological

WPI faculty input invited on Open Educational Resources: survey open now!

The WPI AAC&U OER Initiative needs your input! To learn more about the course textbook environment at WPI, this fall the team invited students to share what they do to afford expensive textbooks – only 5 reported they “always’” buy