Inspiring and EmpOwERing undergraduates to engage with and contribute to the primary literature

Guest post by: Lou Roberts, Associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Biology and Biotechnology When I reflect on my exposure to the primary literature as a Biology and Biotechnology major at WPI, I recall being introduced to journal articles by

EmpOwERing Students to Develop their Scholarly Identities

Guest Post by Dr. Natalie Farny, 2022-2023 EmpOwER Fellow, Assistant Professor, Biology & Biotechnology As an undergraduate student, I had no understanding of the process by which the scientific literature came to be. In fact, the idea that I could

OER Team Awarded 2nd Year of WIN Grant to Continue EmpOwER Fellows Program

The WPI OER Team has been awarded a grant from the Women’s Impact Network to continue past the pilot year our EmpOwER Faculty Fellows Program. The first year of funding supported seven fellows from a variety of disciplines – biological

WPI faculty input invited on Open Educational Resources: survey open now!

The WPI AAC&U OER Initiative needs your input! To learn more about the course textbook environment at WPI, this fall the team invited students to share what they do to afford expensive textbooks – only 5 reported they “always’” buy