[IQP] Designing a Virtual Museum Tour
Sponsor: Fundacion El Caño
Student Team: Michael Reilly, Molly Sykes, Cory Helmuth, Andrew Whitney
Abstract: The El Caño Archaeological Site in the Gran Coclé Archaeological Culture complex is recognized for its discoveries that advanced knowledge of Pre-Columbian burial rituals and chiefdoms of the indigenous chiefdoms of what is now central Panama. The goal of the project, sponsored by Fundación El Caño and Footprint Possibilities Inc., was to increase the outreach and impact of the El Caño Archaeological Park and Museum by making the artifacts and park available through a virtual tour with text available for Spanish and English speakers. The team developed a historically impactful virtual tour application by conducting research, identifying virtual tour applications and their constraints, collecting images and relevant cultural facts, and refining the application based on survey responses.
Links: Final Report
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