[IQP] STEAM Education Through Robotics in Panamanian Public Schools

Sponsor: Fundesteam
Student Team: Jeffrey Davis, Riley Blair, Austin Aguirre

Abstract: In international studies, Panamanian education frequently trails neighboring countries and other developed nations, particularly in STEAM fields. Fundesteam, a non-profit NGO, is working to improve Panama’s education system through project-based STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) curricula. Fundesteam’s aim is to create a well educated student population and create high-level job opportunities by offering training to educators and implementing curricular changes to public and private schools. Currently, they are expanding their program to include project modules in English for Panamanian high school students to promote English-comprehension, STEAM enthusiasm and science literacy among youth, and collegiate preparation. Our project produced 24 video projects that convey critical concepts in robotics and engage modern educational pedagogy through Project-Based Learning.

Links: Final Report

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