Practitioner Supports

The following resources have been curated to support faculty in their use of project-based learning. The practices guided through these resources include student peer-review of team-based writing, teaching a project-based capstone course, how to design your class for student-driven production of open-educational resources, and other common teaching and learning strategies.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tools for Teamwork: Asset Mapping and Team Processing Handbook by Elisabeth A. Stoddard (WPI, Integrative & Global Studies) and, Geoffrey Pfeifer (WPI, Integrative & Global Studies)
Many students (and faculty) find managing team dynamics very challenging.  This handbook provides a suite of tools to help students understand the value of diverse teams and work equitably and effectively within diverse teams. 

Toolkit: Reflective and Equitable Ungrading for PBL by Gillian Smith (WPI, Computer Science Department)
This toolkit addresses three main challenges in self-evaluation approaches to assessment: reflective writing for assessment, motivation and goal setting, and time management in flexible work environments.

A Guidebook for Project Scaffolding in Undergraduate Research Seminars by John Galante (WPI, Humanities & Arts Department)

A key element in successful projects is the scaffolding provided to support students through a long project.  This guide provides suggestions on how to break up a big project into manageable steps and some thoughtful class activities to advance and improve the student work and experience.

AI Toolbox for Academic Research and Writing  by Laura Roberts (WPI, Department of Integrative and Global Studies)
This document includes a curated list of 48 AI tools with information about each tool, including pricing at the time of writing and a link to access the tool. In addition, decision-making guidelines were created to assist faculty and students when selecting an AI tool, including a table with recommendations for each stage of the research and writing process.  Finally, guidance for faculty to communicate their AI policy to students is included along with a sample AI policy statement.

Peer Review Guide to Project-Based Team Writing  by John-Michael Davis (WPI, Department of Integrative and Global Studies)
The peer review guide contains four exercises that offer a step-by-step approach to support students’ revision process as they move from macro-level, big picture structural revisions to meso-level scrutiny at the paragraph level to micro-level line-editing. The four exercises are designed to be completed sequentially as students progress through their writing, but they can also be completed independently on an as needed basis.

Centering Inclusive Practices in Student-authored OERs in Project-based Learning  by Marja Bakermans (WPI, Department of Integrative and Global Studies)
The idea of co-creating inclusive OERs with students can be daunting, so this site provides materials, reflections, steps, and examples to walk-through how this occurs in one of my courses. For example, I provide a syllabus, assignments, sources, and project context. All items have an open license, so participants may adopt and adapt materials to meet their own needs. Remember- students are looking to change the world—let them!

Instructor Toolkit for Engineering Capstone Design  by Fiona Levey (WPI, Mechanical & Materials Engineering)
Designing or redesigning a capstone course is both challenging and rewarding. Effective course design directly affects the development of student career readiness and life skills, and departmental ABET accreditation.  This toolkit consists of modules so that instructors can focus on one aspect of course design at a time. The intention for this organization is two-fold: 1) to obviate the need to comb through the entire guide to extract information of interest, and 2) to make course redesign less intimidating by providing suggestions for discrete incremental changes, and also having all the principles clearly laid out for those who wish to do a full course design or redesign.

Capacity Building Guide
by Kris Wobbe and Kimberly LeChasseur from WPI, and Irene Shaver from the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges with support from Samantha Shields and Debra Fowler from Texas A&M University, and Michael Reese from Bellevue College. Website design by Eddy Carrotta, Madelyn Vecchia, and Claire Li with support from Gillian Smith.
Are you planning to build the capacity of colleagues through your initiative, program, center or other type of project? Have you wondered whether there are alternatives to top-down approaches to professional learning? This capacity-building guide provides a number of strategies, examples, and resources gleaned from an NSF-funded capacity-building project at the Center. The guide includes prompts for reflective journaling to track your learning and plans. 

Supporting Neurodiversity in Active Learning and HIPS by Zoe Reidinger (WPI, Department of Biomedical Engineering), Taylor Rohena (Quinsigamond Community College, Student Accessibility Services) and Sarah Stanlick (WPI, Department of Integrative and Global Studies)
The standard accommodations that come from Accessibility Offices don’t seem to translate well in a project or active learning setting, and these activities can pose real hurdles for neurodiverse students. This guide are some ways to support neurodiverse students in these powerful learning experiences.

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Project-Based Learning in the First Year: Beyond All Expectations

This book uses the practical experience of a group of educators doing interdisciplinary project work in first year courses.  The lessons are easily transferable to a variety of settings, course types and disciplines.
You can learn more here.