2023 Research Projects

Research Project
Faculty Mentor
Pre-Service Participant
In-Service Participant
In-Service Participant

Development of Miniaturized Noninvasive Blood Gas Monitors

Ulkuhan Guler
(Electrical & Computer Engineering / ECE)

Genesis Bernabel
(ECE, HS Physics)

Gregory Jones
(Physics & RBE/Eng, South HS)


Using Microscopic Worms to Understand Health-Associated Issues

Jagan Srinivasan
(Biology & Biotechnology / BBT)


Rachel Adamsky
(Science, Oak Middle School)

Christina Vlad
(Biology, Essex North Shore Ag. & Tech. School)

Photocatalysts for Clean Energy and Environment

Pratap M. Rao
(Mechanical & Materials Engineering / MME)


Rebecca Cooke
(Biology, Douglas HS)

Meredith Leighton
(Science, Raynham Middle School)

Benchmark for Assessing Battery-Free Computing Systems

Bashima Islam
(Electrical & Computer Engineering / ECE)

Dylan Shanes
(CS, HS Math)

David Tavilla
(Info Support Services & Network, Worcester Tech. HS)


New Water-Based Technology for Plastic Recycling

Michael T. Timko
(Chemical Engineering / CHE)

Joelis Velez Diaz
(CHE, HS Chemistry)

Thara Rangaraj
(Chemistry, Leominster HS)