Land & Environment

WPI Campus Sustainable WPI: A Self-Guided Tour provides information on how WPI has achieved a sustainable campus.  WPI’s Greenhouse & Horticulture Club hosts a BBT Greenhouse Plant Parenthood Program, where you can adopt a house plant.  WPI Tree Tour provides information on the types of trees on campus, along with A Guide to the Woody Plants of WPI.   Worcester Region The Resilience Worcester Global Lab site helps the Worcester community adapt to extreme heat and other climate stresses.  The Urban Heat Island Effect is warming in an urban area due to the absorbance and remission of heat from structures, like buildings and roads. Trees Urban Tree Mapping is an IQP that developed a sustainable process for collecting, sharing, and mapping trees in Worcester. Trees in All Policies is a MQP that discusses implementing an intersectoral policy to improve tree canopy cover throughout cities and improving environmental justice. Parks and Trails There are many parks surrounding WPI, such as Institute Park and Elm Park.  Institute Park– A History and a Future is a project that evaluated the future of the park and potential improvements.  The Eastwest Trail is a 14 mile cross city trail that connects 20 green spaces with the city’s streets. EXAMPLE PROJECTS RELATED TO LAND & ENVIRONMENT

Water sustainability

Water sustainability is addressed both on-campus and locally through a number of initiatives, including the MA Water Resources Outreach Center and the sustainability ambassadors.

Water Resources Outreach Center (WROC)

Sustainability Ambassadors Water Initiatives Center for Global Public Safety Grand Challenges Water Research Initiative