More information for Interested Students:
Do you want to integrate sustainability into your WPI career?
Are you interested in receiving a sustainability leadership certificate?
- Promotes the development of WPI projects and activities to develop real-world solutions to global sustainability challenges
- Projects may include GPS, HUA, IQP and/or MQP
- Activities may include Individual research, non-academic projects, and/or club activities
- Allows ALL majors to demonstrate their dedication to the UN SDGs
- Creates networks for people interested in solving local and global issues related to environmental protection, security, and social justice

Area: Ecology/Environment
Area: Renewable Energy
The SCC’s goal is to involve students with Sustainable Solutions in a collaborative and creative fashion. If you’ve had a project you’ve worked on that you think fits the criteria, or if you have an idea for one, reach out to the Office of Sustainability.
Requirements: A two-year commitment is expected for designation as a sustainability leader. The program requires at least two years of active engagement in sustainability, including at least three immersive activities that relate to sustainability and participation in a sustainability learning community. Each student’s program is developed as a short portfolio with a goal/mission and listing of the *activities.
*Examples of immersive activities include the Sustainable Engineering Minor, Eco Reps, GPS project, Green Team, sustainability-related IQPs and MQPs and more!

C Term 2024-EVENT

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