
For most up to date information and see my profile on Google Scholar.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. Stewart, E.J., Payne, D. E., Ma, T.M., Van Epps, J.S., Boles, B.R., Younger, J.G., Solomon, M.J. “Effect of antimicrobial and physical treatments on growth of multispecies staphylococcal biofilms.” and Environ. Microbiol. 83(12) e03483-16 (2017). DOI: 10.1128/AEM.03483-16
  2. Stotsky, J.A., Hammond, J. F., Pavlovsky, L., Stewart, E. J., Younger, J. G., Solomon, M. J., Bortz, D. M. “Variable viscosity and density biofilm simulations using an immersed boundary method, Part II: Experimental validation and the heterogeneous rheology-IBM.” Comp. Physics 316 204-222 (2016). DOI:10.1016/
  3. Stewart, E.J., Ganesan, M., Younger, J.G., Solomon, M.J. “Artificial biofilms establish the role of matrix interactions in staphylococcal biofilm assembly and disassembly.” Scientific Reports, 5, 13081, (2015). DOI:10.1038/srep13081
  4. Sturtevant, R.A., Sharma, P., Pavlovsky, L., Stewart, E. J., Solomon, M.J., Younger, J. G. “Thermal augmentation of vancomycin against staphylococcal biofilms.Shock, 44(2) 121-127 (2015). DOI:10.1097/SHK.0000000000000369
  5. Hammond, J. F., Stewart, E. J., Younger, J. G., Solomon, M. J., Bortz, D. M. “Variable viscosity and density biofilm simulations using an immersed boundary method, Part I: Numerical scheme and convergence results.” CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 98(3), 295-340 (2014). DOI: 10.3970/cmes.2014.098.295
  6. Stewart, E.J., Satorius, A.E., Younger, J.G., Solomon, M.J. “Role of environmental and antibiotic stress on Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm microstructure.” 29(23) 7017-7024 (2013). DOI: 10.1021/la401322k
  7. Ganesan, M., Stewart, E. J., Szafranski, J., Satorius, A. E., Younger, J. G., Solomon, M. J. “Molar mass, entanglement, and associations of the biofilm polysaccharide of Staphylococcus epidermidis.Biomacromolecules, 14(5) 1474-1481 (2013). DOI: 10.1021/bm400149a
  8. Dzul, S. P., Thornton, M. M., Hohne, D. N., Stewart, E. J., Shah, A. A., Bortz, D., Solomon, M.J., Younger, J. G. “Contribution of the Klebsiella pneumoniae capsule to bacterial aggregate and biofilm microstructures.” Applied and environmental microbiology, 77(5), 1777-1782 (2011). DOI: 10.1128/AEM.01752.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceeding

  1. Stewart, E. J., Younger, J. G., Solomon, M. J. “Impact of a graduate elective in Microbial Soft Matter on interdisciplinary learning.” ASEE Conference Proceedings, (2014). Paper ID #10717.