Celebrating a Successful Academic Year

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 15, 2013 0 Comments

The Camesano Lab visited the Museum of Science in Boston on 5/1/13, to celebrate our many accomplishments of this year. Highlights include:

-Todd Alexander completed his first year as an IGERT Fellow, and placed 2nd in the i3 Innovation Competition at WPI

-Lindsay Lozeau completed her first year as a pre-IGERT Fellow, and is preparing for a summer filled with research and mentoring, as part of our Research Experience for Undergraduates and Research Experience for Teachers programs

-Kathleen Wang presented her work at the ACS National Meeting in New Orleans in April, 2013, and has newly been appointed an ORISE Fellow

-Kellie Waterman completed her MS Thesis in Chemical Engineering, and graduated on May 11, 2013!

-Ellie Kamaloo also completed her MS Thesis in Chemical Engineering, and joins the Camesano lab as a PhD student this summer

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